This is Timtower's download page!

Do not modify the configs when the server is running! My plugins don't like that!

Missing a plugin? PM me on the forums about it

NameDescriptionUsageMade by Timtower?File
AchievementLikeMeChecks the stats plugin for certain achievements

Usage information... (click to expand)

YesClick here
AchievementLikeMeOldAchievements activated by commands

Usage information... (click to expand)

YesClick here
ActionLogLikeMeLogs chat and performed commands to MySQL

Usage information... (click to expand)

YesClick here
AdBlackListLikeMeBlacklists websites with many different formats

Usage information... (click to expand)

YesClick here
AllowedDestroyAllow certain blocks to be broken but let the other ones intact

Usage information... (click to expand)

YesClick here
AnswerLikeMeAnswers based on keywords in chat messages

Usage information... (click to expand)

YesClick here
AutoArmorAuto equipes armor on commands listed in the config

Usage information... (click to expand)

YesClick here
BackupLikeMeBackup plugin for Dropbox and FTP

Usage information... (click to expand)

YesClick here
BanOPLikeMeBans everybody that has OP status

Usage information... (click to expand)

YesClick here
BlockHiderHides rails and other blocks

Usage information... (click to expand)

YesClick here
BossBarLikeMeShows a boss bar based on the world you are in

Usage information... (click to expand)

YesClick here
ChatLikeMeChanges the chat format

Usage information... (click to expand)

YesClick here
ChunkLoaderChunk loading thingy...

Usage information... (click to expand)

YesClick here
CommandGetterGets and puts commands + permissions in plugins/CommandGetter/commands.html

Usage information... (click to expand)

YesClick here
DarknessLikeMeGives effects in darkness

Usage information... (click to expand)

YesClick here
DoubleOrNothingDouble or nothing gambling plugin

Usage information... (click to expand)

YesClick here
DynamicAliasesHas the ability to create aliases in runtime, those aliases will have tab completion

Usage information... (click to expand)

YesClick here
EconomyLikeMeMy own economy plugin :D This plugin is not fully tested! Has Per world support

Usage information... (click to expand)

YesClick here
EggHatchLikeMeEnables / disables egg hatching

Usage information... (click to expand)

YesClick here
FaceJoinMessageShows a face when a player joins the server

Usage information... (click to expand)

YesClick here
FallDamageLikeMeRemoves fall damage when you land on blocks defined in the config

Usage information... (click to expand)

YesClick here
FastCodeLikeMeCan send a message to the server, first one to type the exact thing wins. Also has a random now

Usage information... (click to expand)

YesClick here
FileDeleterDeletes files on startup

Usage information... (click to expand)

YesClick here
FireBurnoutLikeMeDestroys fire after ... time

Usage information... (click to expand)

YesClick here
FirstWorldJoinCommandPerforms a command when a player joins a world for the first time

Usage information... (click to expand)

YesClick here
GlobalMuteLikeMeCan mute chat globally and broadcast rules

Usage information... (click to expand)

YesClick here
GrenadeLikeMeGrenade plugin based on FunGrenades

Usage information... (click to expand)

YesClick here
HealLikeMeHeals and checks player health

Usage information... (click to expand)

YesClick here
HideMyChatAllows users to disable chat for themselves

Usage information... (click to expand)

YesClick here
HumanityWorldRegenSlowly generates the world around you

Usage information... (click to expand)

YesClick here
InstaSpawnSpawn the player at spawn on join

Usage information... (click to expand)

YesClick here
InstaSpawnPortalUse InstaSpawn instead!

Usage information... (click to expand)

YesClick here
ItemRenameRenames items with /itemrename, perm can be changed in the config

Usage information... (click to expand)

YesClick here
KillRewardLikeMeGive rewards based on the pvp kills

Usage information... (click to expand)

YesClick here
KitWhitelistLikeMeLet players reorganise a default kit

Usage information... (click to expand)

YesClick here
LoginLikeMeLogin plugin that denies most actions when not registred on website

Usage information... (click to expand)

YesClick here
MadWarpsPrivate warp plugin

Usage information... (click to expand)

YesClick here
MaterialListGenerates a list of materials for 1.12 and below

Usage information... (click to expand)

YesClick here
MessageChangerLikeMeModifies or removes messages send to the player

Usage information... (click to expand)

YesClick here
MiniLikeMePlugin that contains numerous smaller plugins

Usage information... (click to expand)

YesClick here
MobAggroLikeMeLets you configure mobs that will aggro you in certain ranges

Usage information... (click to expand)

YesClick here
MoneyDetectLikeMeRuns commands based on the amount of money a player has

Usage information... (click to expand)

YesClick here
MySQLAchievementsAbility to synchronize achievements from server -> mysql

Usage information... (click to expand)

YesClick here
MySQLGroupSynchAbility to synchronize permission groups from mysql -> server

Usage information... (click to expand)

YesClick here
NameMcLikeMeChecks if the user liked the server on namemc

Usage information... (click to expand)

YesClick here
NoDupeChatStops players from saying the same thing twice

Usage information... (click to expand)

YesClick here
NoEffectLikeMeRemoves all potion effects from the listed worlds

Usage information... (click to expand)

YesClick here
NoNaturalSpawnsPlugin that stops mob spawning for specific reasons and mobs

Usage information... (click to expand)

YesClick here
NoteLikeMeNote plugin

Usage information... (click to expand)

YesClick here
PlotLikeMeMy very own plot plugin

Usage information... (click to expand)

YesClick here
Promotion_RequesterAllows players to request rankups with reasons

Usage information... (click to expand)

YesClick here
RecipeRemovalLikeMeRemoves recipes for items listed in the config

Usage information... (click to expand)

YesClick here
SalaryLikeMePays players every ... seconds what they deserve.

Usage information... (click to expand)

YesClick here
SellCobbleHandLikeMeSells the cobblestone in your hand or inventory.

Usage information... (click to expand)

YesClick here
SimpleTellTells a user something

Usage information... (click to expand)

YesClick here
SkyConnectLikeMeMoves entities between worlds based on height

Usage information... (click to expand)

YesClick here
SmallWorldBorderWorldBorder plugin that will shrink the border every ... ticks

Usage information... (click to expand)

YesClick here
SparkleLikeMeLet your players sparkle!

Usage information... (click to expand)

Yes, with lib from DarkBlade12 for the particlesClick here
StripColorLikeMeStrips colors from the message in chat

Usage information... (click to expand)

YesClick here
TimeLikeMeSynchronizes the server time with the real time

Usage information... (click to expand)

YesClick here
TimeTrackLikeMeTracks players time on the second

Usage information... (click to expand)

YesClick here
TimedMacroLikeMeRuns macro commands with intervals / timers

Usage information... (click to expand)

YesClick here
TwitchLikeMeBroadcasts stuff

Usage information... (click to expand)

YesClick here
WebCommandPlayerMySQL command plugin

Usage information... (click to expand)

YesClick here
WildLikeMeTeleports you to a random location in the world, depends on WorldBorder

Usage information... (click to expand)

YesClick here
WorldCloneCopies events from one world to others

Usage information... (click to expand)

YesClick here
WorldPlayerListLists the players in the worlds

Usage information... (click to expand)

YesClick here
WorldRestoreLikeMeRestores the world chunk by chunk as if somebody would reset the world (what it does)

Usage information... (click to expand)

YesClick here
ZombieAggroLikeMeBroadcasts stuff

Usage information... (click to expand)

YesClick here

Website thanks to Rayzr522