Privacy Policy 1, the Code of Conduct 1.1, users must protect your account and password, because the user's personal account and password leak causes and consequences are borne by the user. 1.2, agreed and in accordance with "the opposite" Team release, changes and modifications of the present rules and other rules, to accept and use the products and services, users can not use our products and services through improper means or other unfair means. 1.3, users are responsible for their own account in all activities and events. Shall comply with the relevant laws and regulations on Internet information publishing, regulations and generally applicable ethics and etiquette of the Internet in general specification, the user will bear responsibility for the information they publish their own content. Remind Users may not publish the following: (1.3.1) against the basic principles of the Constitution the determined; (1.3.2) endangering national security, leaking state secrets, subverting state power, undermining national unity; (1.3.3) harm national honor and interests; (1.3.4) to incite ethnic hatred or ethnic discrimination, undermining national unity; (1.3.5) violate the state religion policies or propagate cult and feudal superstition; (1.3.6) spread rumors, disturbs social order or undermines social stability; (1.3.7) spreading obscenity, pornography, gambling, violence, homicide, terror or instigate crimes; (1.3.8) insult or slander others, infringe upon the legitimate rights and interests of others; (1.3.9) contains other content laws and administrative regulations prohibited. (1.3.10) infringe any third party intellectual property rights, copyright or public private rights. (1.3.11) in violation of humanistic morality, folkways and customs. (Eg: in the "opposite" malicious scraper and abuse others for no reason.) (1.3.12) in any form without the "opposite" operations team allowed advertising. (1.3.13) incite other normal users, spreading rumors. Above treaty, if one of the players violation, the official has the right to ban their account number and equipment. 2, service interruption, stop and change the description When the occurrence of the following circumstances, the "opposite" team the right to interrupt, stop or change the services they provide, for the distress arising therefore, inconvenience or loss, the official does not bear any responsibility for: 2.1. Periodic inspection, maintenance, hardware and software updates, etc., that suspend service operator will complete the repair as soon as possible, maintenance work. 2.2 The server subjected to any form of damage, can not function properly. 2.3. Zhiai situations such as network lines or other action causing the user to connect to the game server through the Internet happen. 2.4. Natural disasters and other force majeure. 2.5. When the interests of national security or personal safety of other members and third parties under emergency situations. 2.6. The occurrence of sudden hardware and software equipment and electronic communication equipment failure. 3.What If I Change My Mind? App has worked hard to make sure that you can have as much control over your account as possible. If you change your mind to delete your account and all your data ,please let us know via email. 4.Other Important Information for You If, however, you believe we have collected any personal information , then please let us know via email I have Questions/Comments/Concerns If you have any questions, comments, or concerns about this Privacy Policy or our other privacy policies or practices, please contact us via email