clear set more off #delimit; set segmentsize 32m; set min_memory 800m; /************************************************************************************************************* This do-file reads in the NIPA tables. The data are downloaded in CSV format from the BEA's Advance Download section: *************************************************************************************************************/ capture run paths; tempfile data; qui gen line=.; qui save `data', replace; /************************************************************************************************************* 1. NIPA data *************************************************************************************************************/ foreach s in 0 2 3 4 5 7 {; qui insheet using "`s'all_csv.csv", comma nonames clear double; qui describe, short; local no_vars = r(k); *Number of variables in dataset; **Table descriptive variables; qui gen table = v1 if substr(v1,1,5)=="Table"; *Table number variable; qui gen units = v1 if substr(v1[_n-1],1,5)=="Table"; *Units variable; qui replace units = "n.a." if substr(v1[_n-1],1,5)=="Table" & units==""; *E.g. contributions to percent change in GDP; qui egen periodicity = ends(v1) if substr(v1[_n-2],1,5)=="Table", punct(" ") head; *Periodicity variable; qui egen vintage = ends(v1) if substr(v1[_n-4],1,5)=="Table", punct("published") last trim; *Data vintage; foreach var of varlist table units periodicity vintage {; qui replace `var' = `var'[_n-1] if `var'==""; }; **Line descriptive variables; qui replace v1 = "0" if v1=="Line"; *This is the line with the year; qui replace v1 = "0.5" if v1=="" & v1[_n-1]=="0"; *This is the variable with the quarter/month if applicable; qui destring v1, force replace; rename v1 line; qui keep if v4!=""; rename v2 description; rename v3 code; qui compress; **Reshape into panel, table-by-table; qui egen tableid = group(table periodicity v4) if line==0; *Numeric identifier for each NIPA table or table component in the section. The monthly tables "wrap." v4 picks up the first year; qui replace tableid = tableid[_n-1] if missing(tableid); local no_tables = tableid[_N]; forvalues i = 1/`no_tables' {; preserve; qui keep if tableid==`i'; disp(table[1]); forvalues t = 4/`no_vars' {; *Rename variables to valueyyyy[_Q/M]; qui tostring v`t', force replace; *Some empty columns are read in as numeric; if v`t'[1]=="" | v`t'[1]=="." {; *Variable has less than the maximum number of observations in the section; qui drop v`t'; continue; }; local yyyy = v`t'[1]; rename v`t' value`yyyy'; if line[2]==0.5 {; *Table is quarterly or monthly; local qm = value`yyyy'[2]; rename value`yyyy' value`yyyy'_`qm'; }; }; qui drop in 1; qui reshape long value, i(table units periodicity vintage description code line) j(datestring) string; qui append using `data'; qui save `data', replace; restore; }; }; qui use `data', replace; qui destring value, force replace ignore(","); qui drop if line==0.5; qui split table, limit(2); qui egen table_number = concat(table1 table2), punct(" "); qui gen table_name = subinstr(table,table_number,"",.); qui drop table table1 table2; qui gen date = date(datestring,"Y") if periodicity=="Annual"; qui replace date = dofq(quarterly(datestring,"YQ")) if periodicity=="Quarterly"; qui replace date = dofm(monthly(datestring,"YM")) if periodicity=="Monthly"; qui format date %td; foreach var of varlist table_name periodicity units desc {; qui replace `var' = subinstr(`var'," ","",.); }; qui compress; qui sort table_number periodicity line date; order table_number table_name units vintage code description line date value; qui save NIPA-underlying-detail, replace; qui gzipfile NIPA-underlying-detail.dta, saving("$SavePath/NIPA-underlying-detail", replace); qui erase NIPA-underlying-detail.dta;