------------ PMDMML ------------ ------------ Information ------------ This text file was created by Mana Kazami and is based on the information found in PMDMML.MAN found in PMD98. YouTube: http://youtube.com/user/Unreliably Twitter: http://twitter.com/mana_is_bored This is not every command available in PMDMML. Read PMDMML.MAN for more commands and information. Update: I may start working on an updated version of this file. (2016/04/22) ------------ Headers ------------ #Title [Track title] #Composer [Original composer] #Arranger [Arranger] #Memo [Comments] #Tempo [BPM / 2] #DT2Flag [on/off] #Filename [.M/.M2] #Option [MC.exe option(s)] #VolumeDown [F+ S+ R+] (+0~255) ------------ Commands ------------ A, B, C, D, E, F = FM Part 1-6 G, H = SSG Part 1 and 2 K = Rhythm (drums) Useage is explained later on. o, >, < = octave#, octave increase, octave decrease l = Set default note length S = Set grace note _{ } = Transpose notes, _{+note1, note2, etc.} or _{-note1, note2, etc.} or _{=note1, note2, etc.} _M = Transpose part, _M#, _M+#, _M-# L = Loop entire part, activates when the MML for the part is completed. @ = Set Instrument V = Volume t = Tempo, useful for changing the tempo value throughout the song. Tempo is defined in half notes per minute rather than quarter notes. [ ] = Loop Example: [cde]2 fga This would be the same as writing: cdecdefga The [ specifies the loop's start and the ] specifies the end. The number after it specifies the number of times it will loop If the number is omitted, it will loop infinitely. This is not recommended. Loops may also be "nested." This means that there is a loop within the loop. Example: [ [cde]2 fga ]2 This would be the same as writing: cdecde fga cdecde fga : = Loop "escape" Example: [cde : fga]2 b This would be the same as writing: cde fga cde b It plays the notes once normally, but skips the part after the : on the final loop. ------------ Notes ------------ c d e f g a b, append + for sharps or - for flats. Note lengths: 1 - Whole note 2 - Half note 4 - Quarter note 8 - Eighth note 16 - Sixteenth note 32 - Thirty-second note 3 - Half note triplet 6 - Quarter note triplet 12 - Eighth note triplet 24 - Sixteenth note triplet 48 - Thirty-second note triplet % is used to directly specify the note's length by the internal counter value. These values can be found by using one of the normal note lengths, then compiling with the /c command %96 - Whole note %48 - Half note %24 - Quarter note %12 - Eighth note %6 - Sixteenth note %3 - Thirty-second note This is useful for longer notes/rests that would otherwise be expressed with & symbols. The max value is 255, although they can be stacked. Example: r%255r%255r%255r%3 This would be equivalent to eight whole rests (96 * 8).