PRIVACY POLICY My application is providing Double Tap Screen On/Off service to the user. It's a backend service and user have full access to ON/OFF the service at any time by opening the application. BIND_DEVICE_ADMIN is used when user is lock or unlock Device When user double tap on the screen it bind device to the admin for lock and unlock the device. We cannot access any other user personal Information from the device. WRITE_SETTINGS Is use for turn off screen by set timeout value.This feature support for Device have finger print feature. We cannot access any other user personal Information from the device with this permission. HOW TO CONTACT US : for any sort of your question or comments related about this policy or our privacy practices , please contact us as by CHANGES TO OUR PRIVACY POLICY : Plese review this policy periodically as we will post any privacy policy changes on this page.For any modifications or updates as appropriate under the circumstances we will surely provide you additional forms of notice mentioning that. You can immediately stop all the services as you do not agree to any modifications to this policy.