/* Script: Time & Distance Calculator Author: Tsalkapone Translation context: Completed Send your translation to: tsalkapone@hotmail.com DON'T FORGET TO MENTION THE LANGUAGE */ tsalkapone_trans.english= { general:{ script:"Time & Distance Calculator", notification:"Notification from", selected_one:"Current selected language", available:"Available languages", button_list:"Buttons List", lang_sel:"Click to change the selected language", message_no:"No", message_yes:"Yes", message_1:"This script is activated on Overviews -> Combined page.", message_2:" Do you want to automatically assign your location to this page?", comm:"Feel free to send any message regarding script bugs or proposing ideas to", des:"Function description", but:"Buttons", edited_by:"Edited by", created:"Created by", set_list:"Settings & Functions", res_list:"Script Settings", blank:"Click on any script's button to display its settings and values", script_1:"Calculate the distance between two villages", script_2:"Calculate the back-time of a command", script_3:"Calculate a snipe time on a back-time command", script_4:"Calculate a snipe time on a command", script_5:"Open the Time Calculator on a new tab", send:"Send", vil_from:"from", vil_to:"to", lau:"on", speed:"Unit Speed", amount:"Amount", ori:"Origin", dest:"Destination", lau_time:"Launch Time", list_form:"Snipe Times on list form", tab_form:"Snipe Times on table form", attention:"ATTENTION: It has been noticed that sometimes the server time displayed on the screen has 1 second delay. In this case substract 1 second from every time result.", vil1:"Origin", vil2:"Destination", tsal_apply:"Apply", tsal_search:"Calculate", spear:"Spearman", sword:"Swordsman", axe:"Axeman", archer:"Archer", spy:"Scout", light:"Light cavalry", heavy:"Heavy cavalry", marcher:"Mounted archer", ram:"Ram", cats:"Catapult", knight:"Paladin", snob:"Nobleman", tsal_time:"Arrival Time", tsal_target:"Target Village", tsal_speed:"Units Speed", tsal_unit:"Slowest Unit", tsal_error:"ERROR", tsal_notime:"No village can reach the target in the specified arrival time", info1:"Enter the coordinates of the origin village.", info2:"Enter the coordinates of the destination village.", info3:"Enter the arrival time of the command to the destination village. Insert the 3 first letters of the month in English, the day of the month, the year and hour:minutes:seconds of the arrival time.", info4:"Enter the slowest unit of the command from the origin village. If you haven't labeled the command pick a random unit. If you don't feel sure about your choice abandon the back-time snipe command.", info5:"Enter the coordinates of the target-village.", info6:"Check a box beside a unit-type to include its speed in the snipe's times calculation. Uncheck to exclude it.", }, buttons:{ lang_open:"Open language selection", lang_close:"Close language selection", script_1:"Distance calculator", script_2:"Back-Time calculator", script_3:"Snipe Back-Time", script_4:"Snipe Calculator", script_5:"Time Calculator", show_results:"Show Results", hide_results:"Hide Results", tsal_info:"Info & Tips", }, notes:{ activated:"The script Time & Distance Calculator is already active", tsal_notime:"No village can reach the target in the specified arrival time", }, };