/* Script: Commander Script Author: Tsalkapone Translation context: Only main, not additional infos included Send your translation to: tsalkapone@hotmail.com DON'T FORGET TO MENTION THE LANGUAGE */ tsalkapone_trans.english= { general:{ config: "Units Configuration", all_units:"All units", all_more:"All more than", remaining:"All remaining", specific:"Insert specific", criteria:"Insert troops only if all selected criteria are met?", methods:"Select the method of inserting troops", off_1:"All troops", off_2:"All offensive units+scouts", off_3:"All offensive units+heavy+scouts", off_4:"All offensive+scouts, not rams", off_5:"All offensive units", off_6:"All light cavalry", off_7:"All cavalry units", off_8:"Adjusted Settings", def_1:"All defensive units+catapults+scouts", def_2:"All defensive units+scouts", def_3:"All defensive units", def_4:"All non-cavalry defensive", def_5:"All heavy", def_6:"All spears and archers", def_7:"All swords", def_8:"All scouts", qmark:"Click for more info", settings:"General Settings", no:"No", yes:"Yes", split:"Define the amount of split of the selected values", cometh:"Select the method of inserting coordinates", coords:"Enter the coordinates of the targets", random:"Random order", seq:"Consecutive & Selective order", hot_nuke:"Assign a shortcut key to Nuke Settings", hot_support:"Assign a shortcut key to Support Settings", hot_fake:"Assign a shortcut key to Fake Settings", hot_farm:"Assign a shortcut key to Farming Settings", b_nuke:"Assign a shortcut key to Nuke Script button", b_support:"Assign a shortcut key to Support Script button", b_farm:"Assign a shortcut key to Farming Script button", b_fake:"Assign a shortcut key to Fake Script button", c_nuke:"Enter a title for the Nuke Button and cookie value", c_support:"Enter a title for the Support Button and cookie value", c_farming:"Enter a title for the Farming Button and cookie value", c_fake:"Enter a title for the Fake Button and cookie value", menu:"Menu", fake_settings:"Fake Settings", farming_settings:"Farming Settings", nuke_settings:"Nuke Settings", support_settings:"Support Settings", button_list:"Script Buttons List", speed_1:"By descending speed", speed_2:"By ascending speed", by:"By", counting:"Click counts", notification:"Notification from", selected_one:"Current selected language", available:"Available languages", support_list:"Support Script. Coords list", nuke_list:"Nuke Script. Coords list", farming_list:"Farming Script. Coords list", fake_list:"Fake Script. Coords list", coordsfinder:"Coords finder", func_list:"Available functions list", undef:"Undefined", funcs:"Assigned Function", shorts:"Shortcut key", }, units: { spear:"Spearman", axe:"Axeman", sword:"Swordsman", archer:"Archer", marcher:"Mounted Archer", scout:"Scout", light:"Light Cavalry", heavy:"Heavy Cavalry", ram:"Ram", catapult:"Catapult", }, buttons:{ save:"Save Settings", reset_b:"Reset Settings", hide:"Hide Settings", count:"Reset Counting", save_title:"Click here to save the selected settings of this script.

If you dont save the settings the selected values wont be applied.", hide_title:"Click here to hide the current settings menu.", reset_title:"Click here to reset the settings of this script to their default values.", count_title:"Click here to reset the counting clicks of this script.", nuke_click:"Click here to activate the Nuke Script", support_click:"Click here to activate the Support Script", farming_click:"Click here to activate the Farming Script", fake_click:"Click here to activate the Fake Script", time_pause:"Click to pause every time counter on the page. Click again to restart the counters.", lang_open:"Open language selection", lang_close:"Close language selection", func_open:"Open assigned functions", func_close:"Close assigned functions", map_info:"The functions assigned to each shortcut key are used to insert troops in every command form operated from the map screen.

The troops inserting methods used by each function are the ones saved in the Settings Menu displayed when this script is activated on the Rally Point page.", }, notes:{ values:"No saved values detected. You have to save the script settings values to operate the script.", coords:"No selected coords were detected. Define some targets and try again.", last:"These are the last selected coords. Activate the script again to restart.", counts:"The click counts of the script have been reseted successfully. Click the script again to restart the counting.", req:"Not all requirements are fulfilled to procceed. Try from a different village or define the settings again.", target:"Current target", list:"Target list", creator:"Created by", reset_all:"Your settings have been successfully reseted. This page will be refreshed automatically in 3 seconds.", save:"Your settings have been successfully saved. This page will be refreshed automatically in 3 seconds.", no_coords:"There were found no coords on this page.", no_units:"There were found no available units. Change village or settings and try again.", activated:"The Commander Script is already active.", no_keys:"No shortcut keys for the available functions were detected.

Go to Rally Point and assign at least one shortcut key for any of the available button-functions.", } };