@name Verus's helicopter chip @inputs [Cam Pod MainRotor TailRotor]:wirelink @outputs PilotLink:array @persist P1 P2 Mod Yaw MRB TRB Mass Lift Hurt EyeX1 EyeY1 Speed Timer Hover Invert Damage Toggle NewYaw AimingM TRLinked MRLinked SmoothedAD @persist Injured InTimer Throttle Interval StrafeAlter LiftAlter AimingMethod HoloStartUp StartUpSpeed YawPlus Health RotorDeath RotorProblem @persist AirFriction SoundPitchMult CollisionSpeed TrueSensitivity CameraRotation Manuevarebility HoloRotorEnabled WaterLevel EngineDeath @persist MainRotorBlades TailRotorBlades [RotorSound RotorSound2 RotorMaterial]:string @persist [Array HintDriver AimingModes EyeSensitivity]:array AimingData:table [EyePod MainRotorAng TailRotorAng TargetAngles DeathAng]:angle [E MR TR Prop Model]:entity @persist [Place Clamp RotorColor MainRotorPos TailRotorPos CameraPosition MainRotorSize TailRotorSize]:vector @model models/hunter/blocks/cube1x2x025.mdl # Verus made this # Please do not claim as your own # distribute freely # version - V1.3.7 #Digit 1 Represents a major functionality change #Digit 2 Represents a new feature #Digit 3 Represents a bug fix ###### this is Verus's Helicopter Chip ###### if(first()){ ###### setup ####### #New Info to read on V1.2.2 #The wirelinks MainRotor and TailRotor are for rotor survivability #This is for more realistic heli battles in acf or gdc #If you dont want that, just leave those 2 variables alone and DONT link them #They way they work if you do want them, is you link them to a prop, #and it will destroy the rotor If that prop is killed #@model changes the model of the base prop Interval = 20 #Increasing this will decrease ops, but you will need to increase the lift and other options #Performance may also drop if it is too high #Flight Settings Manuevarebility = 10 #this is how agile the helicopter is Lift = 0.54 #This is how much default lift the heli has LiftAlter = 8 #This is how much pressing W or S affects the heli StrafeAlter = 1.4 #This is how much the helicopter will strafe AirFriction = 100 #This is how much friction there is for the heli StartUpSpeed = 0.15 #This is how fast it takes the heli to reach full throttle #Phyiscal damage settings Damage = 1 #Determines weather the heli will acount for physical damage or not CollisionSpeed = 250 #This is how fast the heli has to be flying prior to a collision to hurt the motor #Camera settings CameraPosition = vec(0,0,160) #This is the position of the camera relative to the helicopter CameraRotation = 270 #This is the position of the camera relative to the player's eye AimingModes = array(1,2,3,4) #This controls the order of the aiming modes by the alt button #Simply remove a number if you dont want that aiming mode #1 is 3rd person look-around, 2 is 1st person look-around #3 is bf3 1st person, 4 is bf3 3rd person #HoloRotor Settings HoloRotorEnabled = 1 MainRotorBlades = 5 #This is the number of blades on the main rotor MainRotorSize = vec(26,1,0.2) #This is the scale of the main rotor being length,width,height repsectively MainRotorPos = vec(0,0,80) #This is the position of the main rotor reliative to the e2 MainRotorAng = ang(0,0,0) #This is the angle the main rotor will rotate on TailRotorBlades = 3 #This is the number of blades on the tail rotor TailRotorSize = vec(8,0.5,0.2) #This is the scale of the tail rotor being length,width,height repsectively TailRotorPos = vec(0,-170,60) #This is the position of the tail rotor reliative to the e2 TailRotorAng = ang(-90,0,0) #This is the angle the tail rotor will rotate on RotorColor = vec(140,140,140) #This is the color of the rotors in Red,Green,Blue format RotorMaterial = "phoenix_storms/concrete1" #This is the material of the rotors RotorSound = "NPC_AttackHelicopter.Rotors" #This is the Sound of the rotors SoundPitchMult = 2.9 #This is how much the soundpitch is multiplied ###### setup ####### #####Update Info##### #[ --- Version Update V1.3.7 Fixed a few glitches from last optimization --- Version Update V1.3.6 Optimization, dropped 100 ops --- Version Update V1.3.5 Added in an aiming mode copied from Generic Default Removed BF3 aiming mode because its buggy Removed Version 1.2.4 lift calculation because it did not work as expected --- Version Update V1.2.4 Optimized lift calculation so that heli can now perform heavy lifting- -and you will no longer need to manual calculate lift --- Version Update V1.2.3 Fixed no warning sounds being played when your heli is damaged --- Version Update V1.2.2 Added Rotor survivability to improve accuracy to real life helis Fixed Death animations to be properly implented --- Version update V1.1.2 Optimized and cleaned coding Transfered the aiming system from a large conditional to split dual-conditionals and an array Fixed the rotor blur clipping and looking lopsided Modifed the hover mode slightly --- Version update V1.1.1 Added Support for the holoPilot via array "PilotLink" Added a feature called "AimingModes" to control the order and content of the 4 aiming modes Added Version update details to keep track of progress and inform users of new content Fixed Transitioning between look-around and bf3 aiming methods Fixed Startup on bf3 mode, so the heli doesnt flip around Fixed Yaw on bf3 mode, so the heli wont default to 0 yaw Fixed AutoHover on bf3 mode --- ]# # Codeing below # Do not alter unless you know what you are doing interval(20) E = entity() Array = array() EyeSensitivity = array() WaterLevel = -70000 AimingM = 0 MainRotorDeath = 0 TailRotorDeath = 0 TRLinked = ->TailRotor MRLinked = ->MainRotor MR = MainRotor:entity() TR = TailRotor:entity() Clamp = vec(Manuevarebility,Manuevarebility,Manuevarebility * 2) #Data goes in order as follows - array(AimingMode,HoloPos during parenting,CamPos during parenting,AimingModeHint AimingData = table( array(1,vec(-CameraRotation,0,0),vec(),"Third person ''Simplified Point'' aiming engaged") ,array(2,vec(),vec(),"First person ''Simplified Point'' aiming engaged") ,array(3,vec(),vec(),"First person ''Advanced Point'' aiming engaged") ,array(4,vec(),vec(),"Third person ''Advanced Point'' aiming engaged") ) HintDriver = array( "This is Verus's Helicopter Chip",3 ,"Turn on your light to Start the engine",4 ,"Press W to go up, and S to go down",4.7 ,"Hold ALT to switch aiming methods",5.4 ,"Use the mouse to aim the helicopter",6.1 ,"Speed is dependent on your pitch and roll",7 ) #####HoloSpawner###### }#Condition 1 end elseif((HoloStartUp < (MainRotorBlades*2 + TailRotorBlades + 4)) & HoloRotorEnabled) {#Condition 2 Start interval(100) HoloStartUp++ HSU = HoloStartUp + 2 if(HoloStartUp == 1) {#Condition 2.1 Start HRPos = E:toWorld(MainRotorPos - vec(0,0,MainRotorSize:y()*6)) HRScl = vec(MainRotorSize:y()/2,MainRotorSize:y()/2,MainRotorSize:y()) HRAng = E:toWorld(ang()) HRMod = "hq_cylinder" HRParent = E holoCreate(HSU,HRPos,HRScl,HRAng,RotorColor,HRMod) holoParent(3,E) }#Condition 2.1 End elseif(HoloStartUp == 2) {#Condition 2.2 Start HRPos = E:toWorld(TailRotorPos - vec(0,0,TailRotorSize:y()*6)) HRScl = vec(TailRotorSize:y()/2,TailRotorSize:y()/2,TailRotorSize:y()) HRAng = E:toWorld(ang()) HRMod = "hq_cylinder" HRParent = E holoCreate(HSU,HRPos,HRScl,HRAng,RotorColor,HRMod) holoParent(4,E) }#Condition 2.2 End elseif(HoloStartUp == 3) {#Condition 2.3 Start HRPos = E:toWorld(TailRotorPos) HRScl = vec(TailRotorSize:x(),TailRotorSize:x(),0) HRAng = E:toWorld(ang()) HRMod = "hq_cylinder" HRParent = E holoCreate(HSU,HRPos,HRScl,HRAng,vec(255,255,255), HRMod) holoParent(5,4) holoDisableShading(5,1) holoAlpha(5,0) }#Condition 2.3 End elseif(HoloStartUp == 4) {#Condition 2.4 Start HRPos = E:toWorld(MainRotorPos) HRScl = vec(MainRotorSize:x(),MainRotorSize:x(),0) HRAng = E:toWorld(ang()) HRMod = "hq_cylinder" HRParent = E holoCreate(HSU,HRPos,HRScl,HRAng,vec(255,255,255), HRMod) holoParent(6,3) holoClipEnabled(6,0) holoDisableShading(6,1) holoAlpha(6,0) }#Condition 2.4 End elseif((HoloStartUp > 4) & ((HoloStartUp - 4) <= MainRotorBlades)) {#Condition 2.5 Start HRPos = E:toWorld(MainRotorPos) HRScl = MainRotorSize HRAng = E:toWorld(ang(0,(360 / MainRotorBlades)*HoloStartUp,0)) HRMod = "hq_rcube_thick" holoCreate(HSU,HRPos,HRScl,HRAng,RotorColor,HRMod) holoClipEnabled(HSU,1,1) holoClip(HSU,1,vec(),vec(1,0,0),0) holoParent(HSU,3) }#Condition 2.5 End elseif((HoloStartUp > (4 + MainRotorBlades)) & ((HoloStartUp - MainRotorBlades - 4) <= TailRotorBlades)) {#Condition 2.6 Start HRPos = E:toWorld(TailRotorPos) HRScl = TailRotorSize HRAng = E:toWorld(ang(0,(360 / TailRotorBlades)*HoloStartUp,0)) HRMod = "hq_rcube_thick" holoCreate(HSU,HRPos,HRScl,HRAng,RotorColor,HRMod) holoClipEnabled(HSU,1,1) holoClip(HSU,1,vec(),vec(1,0,0),0) holoParent(HSU,4) }#Condition 2.6 End elseif((HoloStartUp > (4 + MainRotorBlades + TailRotorBlades)) & ((HoloStartUp - MainRotorBlades - TailRotorBlades - 4) <= MainRotorBlades)) {#Condition 2.7 Start HRPos = E:toWorld(MainRotorPos - vec(0,0,MainRotorSize:y() * 6)) + vec(MainRotorSize:y() * 10,0,0):rotate(E:toWorld(ang(0,(360 / MainRotorBlades)*HoloStartUp,0))) HRScl = vec(MainRotorSize:y() / 4,MainRotorSize:y() / 4,MainRotorSize:y()) HRAng = E:toWorld(ang(0,(360 / MainRotorBlades)*HoloStartUp,0)) HRMod = "hq_cylinder" holoCreate(HSU,HRPos,HRScl,HRAng,RotorColor,HRMod) holoParent(HSU,3) for(B = 2,5) { for(A = 1,5) {holoClipEnabled(B,A,0) } } }#Condition 2.7 End holoMaterial(HoloStartUp + 2,RotorMaterial) holoVisible(HSU,players(),1) holoClipEnabled(HSU + 1,0) #####HoloSpawner###### }#Condition 2 End else {#Condition 3 Start interval(Interval) W = Pod["W",number] A = Pod["A",number] S = Pod["S",number] D = Pod["D",number] Alt = Pod["Alt",number] Light = Pod["Light",number] Space = Pod["Space",number] Active = Pod["Active",number] Seat = Pod["Entity",entity] EAng = E:angles() EPos = E:pos() EVel = E:vel() EMass = E:mass() if(changed(Active)) { Cam["Activated",number] = Active if(Active) { for(H = 1,HintDriver:count()/2) { Seat:hintDriver(HintDriver[H * 2 - 1,string],HintDriver[H * 2,number]) Pod["Hide Player",number] = ->PilotLink # timer("Purge",250) } if(HoloRotorEnabled) { holoEntity(3):soundPlay(1,0,RotorSound) if(RotorSound == "NPC_AttackHelicopter.Rotors") {RotorSound2 = "NPC_AttackHelicopter.RotorsLoud" holoEntity(3):soundPlay(4,0,RotorSound2)} } else { E:soundPlay(1,0,RotorSound) if(RotorSound == "NPC_AttackHelicopter.Rotors") {RotorSound2 = "NPC_AttackHelicopter.RotorsLoud" E:soundPlay(4,0,RotorSound2)} } soundPitch(1,0) soundPitch(4,0) holoMaterial(5,"phoenix_storms/airboat_blur02") holoMaterial(6,"phoenix_storms/airboat_blur02") } } else { if(Alt) {InTimer = clamp(InTimer + 1,0,18)} elseif(!Alt) {InTimer = 0} AimingM = mod(AimingM + (changed(InTimer) & (InTimer == 18)),AimingModes:count()) AimingMethod = AimingModes[AimingM + 1,number] if(changed(Space) & Space) {Hover = !Hover HoverHeight = EPos:z()} EyeAngles = Seat:toLocal(Seat:driver():eyeAngles()) EyeSensitivity:insertAngle(1,EyeAngles) if(EyeSensitivity:count() > 2) {EyeSensitivity:pop()} EyePod1 = EyeAngles - EyeSensitivity[2,angle] EyePodYaw = EyePod1:yaw() YawPlus = (EyePodYaw > 180) ? -360 * (EyePodYaw > 180) : 360 * (EyePodYaw < -180) EyePod = EyePod1 + ang(0,YawPlus,0) EyeX1 = mod(EyeX1 + EyePod:pitch(),360) EyeY1 = mod(EyeY1 + EyePod:yaw(),360) Eye = ang(EyeX1,EyeY1,EyeAngles:roll()) if(!Hover & !RotorDeath) {#Condition Start NewYaw = EAng:yaw() if(!changed(AimingMethod) & AimingMethod <= 2) { Strafe = (D - A) * StrafeAlter TargetAngles = Eye:setRoll( -E:angVel():yaw() / 2 + Strafe * 15) } elseif(!changed(AimingMethod) & (AimingMethod >= 3)) { Delta = (A - D) - SmoothedAD SmoothedAD += clamp(Delta,-1,1) / 20 Yaw = mod(Yaw + SmoothedAD * StrafeAlter - E:velL():x()*0.0006,360) TargetAngles = ang(Eye:pitch(),Yaw,-Eye:yaw()) } }#Condition End elseif(Hover & !RotorDeath) {#Condition Start VelL = E:velL() TargetAngles = ang( clamp(-(VelL:y() * abs(VelL:y())) / 2000, -75, 75), NewYaw + 90, clamp(-(VelL:x() * abs(VelL:x())) / 2000, -75, 75)) }#Condition End elseif(RotorDeath) { TargetAngles = EAng - ang(0,20,0) Clamp = vec(Manuevarebility,Manuevarebility,50) } if(AimingMethod <= 2) {HoloAng = Eye} if(AimingMethod >= 3) {HoloAng = E:toWorld(ang(0,90 + Eye:yaw(),0)):setPitch(Eye:pitch()):setRoll(E:angles():pitch())} holoAng(2,HoloAng) } if(changed(AimingMethod) | changed(Active) | clk("Purge")) { CurData = AimingData[AimingMethod,array] CamPos = E:toWorld(CameraPosition:setZ(0)) + vec(0,0,CameraPosition:z()) if(AimingMethod == 1) {HoloPos = CamPos} if(AimingMethod == 2) {if(->PilotLink){HoloPos = Seat:toWorld(vec(0,7,39)) + vec(4,0,0):rotate(Eye)}else{HoloPos = Seat:toWorld(vec(0,1,35))}} if(AimingMethod == 3) {HoloPos = Seat:toWorld(vec(0,6,45))} if(AimingMethod == 4) {HoloPos = CamPos + vec(0,-CameraRotation,0):rotate(E:angles())} holoCreate(2,HoloPos,vec(),ang()) holoVisible(2, players(),0) holoParent(2, E) Cam["Position",vector] = HoloPos + CurData[2,vector] Cam["Angle",angle] = ang() Cam["Parent",entity] = holoEntity(2) Seat:hintDriver(CurData[4,string],5) Yaw = EAng:yaw() + 90 EyeY1 = AimingMethod <= 2 ? E:angles():yaw() + 90 : -EAng:pitch() } #Condition 3.2.2 End #ApplyForce Code# if(!MainRotorDeath) { Affect = Throttle * Lift / 2 + (clamp((-EVel:z())*Hover / 10 + W - S - RotorDeath,-1,1))*LiftAlter Alter = (vec(0,0,1):rotate(E:toWorld(ang())*ang(1.7,1,1.5)) - EVel*AirFriction*0.000002) E:applyForce(Alter * Affect * EMass) E:applyForce(vec(0,0,Throttle * Lift * EMass) / 2) } #ApplyForce Code# #Quaternion Aiming code# TarQ2 = quat(TargetAngles) CurQ2 = quat(E:toWorld(ang(0,90,0))) Q2 = TarQ2/CurQ2 V2 = clamp(E:toLocal(rotationVector(Q2) + EPos)*Active,-Clamp,Clamp) E:applyTorque((200*V2 - 40*E:angVelVector()) *E:inertia()*(Throttle/33)) #Quaternion Aiming Code# #Engine Control# Water = E:isUnderWater() if(changed(Water) & Water) {WaterLevel = EPos:z()} UnderWater = (E:toWorld(MainRotorPos - vec(0,0,50)):z() < WaterLevel) if(changed(Light) & Light) { Toggle = !Toggle Speed = StartUpSpeed } elseif(changed(UnderWater) & UnderWater & Water) { Toggle = 0 Speed = 0.6 holoEntity(3):soundPlay(5,1,"/vehicles/jetski/jetski_no_gas_start.wav") } elseif(changed(Active) & !Active) {Toggle = 0} Timer = clamp(Timer + (Toggle-!Toggle - RotorProblem) * Speed,0,33) if(changed(Timer)) {Throttle = (Timer ^ 2) / 33} P1 = clamp(P1+(W-!W)*(Throttle>=30)/4,0,4) P2 = clamp(P2+(S-!S)*(Throttle>=30)/4,0,2) Go = (Timer+P1-P2) Mod = mod(Mod+Timer,360) #Engine Control# #Rotor Survivability# if(Damage > 0) { Array:insertNumber(1,EVel:length()) if(Array:count()>7) {Array:pop()} ChangedSpeed = EVel:length() - Array[7,number] Physgun = owner():weapon():type() == "weapon_physgun" & owner():keyAttack1() LPrev = (ChangedSpeed< -(CollisionSpeed)) & !Physgun HPrev = (ChangedSpeed< -(CollisionSpeed*2)) & !Physgun if(changed(LPrev) & LPrev) {E:soundPlay(2,1,"ATV_impact_medium")} if(changed(HPrev) & HPrev) { E:soundPlay(5,0,"/vehicles/digger_stopengine1.wav") E:soundPlay(6,0,"ATV_impact_heavy") RotorProblem = 3 Seat:soundPlay(8,0,"/npc/attack_helicopter/aheli_crash_alert2.wav") } if(MRLinked & changed(->MainRotor) & !->MainRotor) { holoEntity(3):soundPlay(7,0,"Breakable.Metal") Seat:soundPlay(8,0,"/npc/attack_helicopter/aheli_crash_alert2.wav") RotorDeath = 1 RotorProblem = 6 for(D = 1,MainRotorBlades) { holoVisible(3,players(),0) holoVisible(6,players(),0) holoVisible(D + 6,players(),0) holoVisible(D + 6 + TailRotorBlades + MainRotorBlades,players(),0) } } if(TRLinked & changed(->TailRotor) & !->TailRotor) { holoEntity(4):soundPlay(8,0,"Breakable.Metal") RotorDeath = 1 Seat:soundPlay(8,0,"/npc/attack_helicopter/aheli_crash_alert2.wav") for(G = 1,TailRotorBlades) { holoVisible(4,players(),0) holoVisible(5,players(),0) holoVisible(G + 6 + MainRotorBlades,players(),0) } } } if(->PilotLink) {PilotLink = array(Active,Seat,Timer / 1.735 + P1 - P2,Eye,EAng - Eye + ang(0,90,0),AimingMethod)} #Rotor Survivability# if(changed(Go)) { soundPitch(1,Go*SoundPitchMult/1) soundPitch(4,Go*SoundPitchMult/1) } holoAng(3,E:toWorld(MainRotorAng):rotateAroundAxis((vec(0,0,1):rotate(MainRotorAng)):rotate(E:angles()) , Mod)) holoAng(4,E:toWorld(TailRotorAng):rotateAroundAxis((vec(0,0,1):rotate(TailRotorAng)):rotate(E:angles()) ,-Mod)) if(changed(Throttle)) { holoAlpha(5,clamp(Throttle*7.73 - 50,0,255)) holoAlpha(6,clamp(Throttle*7.73 - 50,0,255)) } }#Condition 3 End if(dupefinished()) {reset()}