[ { "faq": [ { "q": "If I sacrifice the last warband from a site, can the attacker still take it?", "a": "Yes. They\u2019ve already targeted it." }, { "q": "If I have an Imperial Ally, can I sacrifice a warband from their board?", "a": "If their board is adding warbands to your force, yes." } ], "card": "Wrestlers" }, { "faq": [ { "q": "Can I take favor if the bank only has one left?", "a": "Yes!" } ], "card": "Battle Honors" }, { "faq": [ { "q": "If I use this to play two cards to site, can I use the $link:Banner of the People's Favor$ twice?", "a": "Yes!" }, { "q": "Can I play a card facedown as long as I play the other to a site?", "a": "Yes!" } ], "card": "Land Warden" }, { "faq": [ { "q": "Do we start with the current player or the Chancellor?", "a": "Start with the Chancellor and go in clockwise worder." } ], "card": "Revelation" }, { "faq": [ { "q": "Does this burn all secrets except for one on the Darkest Secret in play, or just from the Darkest Secret?", "a": "From the Darkest Secret itself. Do not burn secrets that are not on the Darkest Secret." } ], "card": "Charlatan" }, { "faq": [ { "q": "Do I get to look at the top card or the whole discard pile?", "a": "The whole thing!" } ], "card": "Scryer" }, { "faq": [ { "q": "If I find the Conspiracy, can I play it facedown to my advisers?", "a": "Yes!" } ], "card": "Inquisitor" }, { "faq": [ { "q": "Do I still have access to this Vision if I become a Citizen?", "a": "Yes! The warband does not go away. However, you cannot win with it until you become an Exile again." } ], "card": "False Prophet" }, { "faq": [ { "q": "If I play this to a site, do I still get the normal favor for playing to site?", "a": "Yes!" } ], "card": "Salad Days" }, { "faq": [ { "q": "Can I play this to the $link:Drowned City$?", "a": "Yes!" }, { "q": "If this is at the $link:Drowned City$, can I replace it with $link:Festival District$ in the Chronicle?", "a": "Nope. Salt the Earth increases the capacity, so once it is gone, the site has no capacity for cards." }, { "q": "Can I play this to a facedown site?", "a": "Nope!" } ], "card": "Salt the Earth" }, { "faq": [ { "q": "Can I use this along with $link:Second Wind$ and campaign a second time before becoming a Citizen?", "a": "No. Second Wind says \u2018after\u2019, meaning you will resolve all your other battle plans first, including Martial Culture." } ], "card": "Martial Culture" }, { "faq": [ { "q": "Does the killed warband remove a second attack die?", "a": "Nope, you\u2019ve already collected dice. You lose one warband and one attack die, exactly." }, { "q": "Does the killed warband count for $link:Cursed Cauldron$?", "a": "Yes!" } ], "card": "Bear Traps" }, { "faq": [ { "q": "Does this Supply gain stack on top of powers that let me spend no Supply?", "a": "Yes! You\u2019ll end up gaining Supply by campaigning in this case, not losing it." } ], "card": "Scouts" }, { "faq": [ { "q": "Does this power stack with $link:Mushrooms$?", "a": "Yes. Guess he knows where all the good mushroom spots are." }, { "q": "If I draw from the discard pile of another region, where do I discard to?", "a": "Discard based on the region of your pawn. That Errand Boy is bringing everyone to you!" } ], "card": "Errand Boy" }, { "faq": [ { "q": "Can I be forced to travel here and lose warbands?", "a": "Sure can." } ], "card": "Boiling Lake" }, { "faq": [ { "q": "Does this count if I target a pawn at a site with an Order card?", "a": "No, you have to target the site itself. Of course, if you target a site and other things, this power takes effect." } ], "card": "Disgraced Captain" }, { "faq": [ { "q": "If I am a Citizen, can I use this to campaign against the Chancellor or another Citizen?", "a": "Yes! Even though you lose access to the card one you start the campaign, you were still able to use it to start the campaign." }, { "q": "If I am a Citizen and attack another Citizen or the Chancellor, do I still add the warbands at the site to my force?", "a": "Yes. They do not get added to the defending force, and you do not need to target the site." } ], "card": "Captains" }, { "faq": [ { "q": "Does \u201cany Exile\u201d include myself?", "a": "If you\u2019re an Exile, yes!" } ], "card": "Naysayers" }, { "faq": [ { "q": "If I am a Citizen, do I need the Chancellor\u2019s permission to move warbands ($rule:6.5$)?", "a": "Nope. This card is a way around that rule!" } ], "card": "Warning Signals" }, { "faq": [ { "q": "How many exchanges can this prompt?", "a": "As many as players want." }, { "q": "Does this go in turn order from the active player or from the Chancellor?", "a": "From the Chancellor." }, { "q": "Do pawns that go to the Gathering get returned to the sites that they came from?", "a": "Nope!" } ], "card": "The Gathering" }, { "faq": [ { "q": "Can I swap this with a locked card?", "a": "Nope. A locked card cannot be discarded, moved or swapped." } ], "card": "Great Herd" }, { "faq": [ { "q": "Does this affect the battle plans of players who are not involved in the campaign?", "a": "No. The term 'your enemy' refers to those involved in the campaign. Admittedly, this is somewhat confusing. Sorry!" } ], "card": "Insect Swarm" }, { "faq": [ { "q": "If I\u2019m a Citizen and the Chancellor holds the Darkest Secret, do I get this bonus?", "a": "Yes! Note that this is an errata, since the definition of \u2018you\u2019 ($rule:10$) has changed." } ], "card": "Fire Talkers" }, { "faq": [ { "q": "Why would I kill one of my own warbands?", "a": "To refresh more Supply during your Rest Phase." } ], "card": "Wolves" }, { "faq": [ { "q": "Does each Citizen have to place favor counting all the cards at Imperial sites?", "a": "Yes they do. Citizens and the Chancellor all rule those sites." } ], "card": "Dissent" }, { "faq": [ { "q": "If the defense pool has fewer than four dice when I use this power, but then the defender adds defense dice to their pool using their own battle plans, do I get +2 attack dice?", "a": "No. You check this at the moment you use the power." }, { "q": "Do I still ignore skulls even if I do not get the dice bonus?", "a": "Yes!" } ], "card": "Rangers" }, { "faq": [ { "q": "If I am the Chancellor and have the Careless trait in the Imperial Reliquary, do I gain the extra favor if I trade for secrets?", "a": "Yes!" } ], "card": "Secret Signal" }, { "faq": [ { "q": "Does this let me draw two cards with Mushrooms?", "a": "Yes. Guess you know where the good stuff is." } ], "card": "Augury" }, { "faq": [ { "q": "When can I use this power when traveling to its site?", "a": "If you rule the site." }, { "q": "Do I still have to pay for $link: Toll Roads$ if I'm using this power?", "a": "Yes. Sorry, a bit unthematic." } ], "card": "Portal" }, { "faq": [ { "q": "Can I kill one at a site and one at another site, or one at a site and one on a board?", "a": "Yes, you can mix and match however you want." } ], "card": "Terror Spells" }, { "faq": [ { "q": "How does this interact with the Careless trait?", "a": "You still don\u2019t get the favor from Careless." } ], "card": "Vow of Poverty" }, { "faq": [ { "q": "What does 'other suits' mean?", "a": "Suits other than the Arcane suit, which is the suit of Kindred Warriors." } ], "card": "Kindred Warriors" }, { "faq": [ { "q": "Does this include cards discarded from the $link:Banner of the People's Favor$ or cards like $link:Dazzle$?", "a": "It includes any cards discarded during the Search action, so it includes the People's Favor, but not cards like $link:Dazzle$." } ], "card": "Bracken" }, { "faq": [ { "q": "If I\u2019m the Chancellor, can Citizens campaign?", "a": "Yes! They are only Allies during an ongoing defensive campaign." } ], "card": "Vow of Peace" }, { "faq": [ { "q": "Wait, can I make a deal with an Exile if I\u2019m a Citizen?", "a": "Sure can. No permission needed from the Chancellor, and you take the warbands." }, { "q": "If I buy sites as a Citizen, can I make the Chancellor place warbands?", "a": "No. Interpret uses of \u2018board\u2019 as meaning \u2018your board.\u2019" }, { "q": "Can a Citizen and Chancellor exchange sites to move around warbands?", "a": "No. You cannot give away these sites to each other since you both rule them already." }, { "q": "Exactly how many warbands does the new rules have to place?", "a": "Any number they want, but not zero unless they have the $link:Bandit Crown$." }, { "q": "Can a site be exchanged if the person receiving it has no warbands to rule it?", "a": "No, unless they would rule it by having the $link:Bandit Crown$." } ], "card": "Deed Writer" }, { "faq": [ { "q": "Can the bandits use this?", "a": "If they would discard two or more Nomads, they discard the first Beast card they rule starting at the top of the Cradle and going down through the regions." } ], "card": "Wild Mounts" }, { "faq": [ { "q": "Does my attack roll include skulls?", "a": "Yes. Basically, act as if you got all your dice results twice." } ], "card": "Lancers" }, { "faq": [ { "q": "Is the card discarded if I choose +/-1 attack die?", "a": "No, only if you choose +/- 3." } ], "card": "Mountain Giant" }, { "faq": [ { "q": "Does this increase the Visions Drawn track?", "a": "Yes." }, { "q": "Where do I put the other cards from the World Deck that I handled?", "a": "Put them back on the World Deck in the same order." }, { "q": "If I discard the Vision, can I use $link:Cracked Horn$ to put it at the bottom of the world deck?", "a": "Yes!" }, { "q": "Can I play the Vision in my advisers facedown?", "a": "Yes!" }, { "q": "Can I play this card if I am at a site with $link: Forced Labor$ and have no favor to pay?", "a": "No. This saddens me, but the wording on the card is just like the minor action to flip facedown advisers, so it has to be this way." } ], "card": "Oracle" }, { "faq": [ { "q": "If I am a Citizen and the Chancellor is attacked, does Gleaming Armor apply?", "a": "Only if you join as an Ally." }, { "q": "If I am an Exile, can I ever use this to help other Exiles who are being attacked?", "a": "Nope!" } ], "card": "Gleaming Armor" }, { "faq": [ { "q": "Does the cost include any secret cost added by $link:Gleaming Armor$?", "a": "Yes." }, { "q": "Does this include the $link:Buried Giant$ and $link:The Hidden Place$ site powers?", "a": "Yes." }, { "q": "Does this prevent the Conspiracy from being played against me?", "a": "Yes! The Conspiracy power has a cost of a secret burn." }, { "q": "Does this prevent mustering from Initiation Rite?", "a": "Nope! Mustering is not a power." } ], "card": "Spell Breaker" }, { "faq": [ { "q": "When exactly do I gain the favor?", "a": "Immediately after resolving the text in the relevant $rule:5.1.4$ subsection. So they gain favor for playing to site first, for example, but resolve When Played powers ($rule:7.3.3$) after Saddle Makers." } ], "card": "Saddle Makers" }, { "faq": [ { "q": "Does this include itself in the number of nomad cards ruled?", "a": "Yes." } ], "card": "Great Crusade" }, { "faq": [ { "q": "What are the implications of relics being locked?", "a": "They can\u2019t be recovered or discarded or otherwise messed with. They\u2019re stuck at the site, except for Ancient Bloodline\u2019s ruler." }, { "q": "Does this only apply in campaigns?", "a": "No, it always applies. More accurately, the text should read \u2018Enemies\u2019 rather than \u2018Your enemies\u2019 to avoid confusion with battle plans that use this terminology." } ], "card": "Ancient Bloodline" }, { "faq": [ { "q": "If I am a Citizen, can I give the Darkest Secret to the Chancellor to simply take a relic from the Reliquary?", "a": "No. For consistency, this card should say \u2018if you are an Exile\u2019." } ], "card": "Ancient Pact" }, { "faq": [ { "q": "If I am a Citizen, do I have to ask the Chancellor for permission ($rule: 6.5$)", "a": "Nope. This is a way to get around it." } ], "card": "Messenger" }, { "faq": [ { "q": "Do the secrets on the Darkest Secret get burned?", "a": "Nope." } ], "card": "Ancient Binding" }, { "faq": [ { "q": "Does this halve the attack dice after using other battle plans or before?", "a": "It modifies how many dice \u2018the attacker rolls\u2019, so it halves the final number modified by battle plans." } ], "card": "Mounted Patrol" }, { "faq": [ { "q": "Does the secret I pay to use this card move with the card?", "a": "Yes, but you will still get it back in your Rest Phase." }, { "q": "Can I play this card if I already have three advisers?", "a": "Yes, because it ignores the adviser limit. But note that it does not reduce the total number of advisers you have!" }, { "q": "If I have three advisers, including this card, can I play and keep a fourth adviser?", "a": "No. Pied Piper itself ignores the adviser limit, so it does not prompt a discard when you play it, but it still counts toward your total number of advisers." } ], "card": "Pied Piper" }, { "faq": [ { "q": "Does this card stack with powers like $link:Augury$ and the $link:Greedy$ trait?", "a": "Yes!" } ], "card": "Mushrooms" }, { "faq": [ { "q": "Does this count things like the Oathkeeper bonus and defense dice added by battle plans?", "a": "Nope, Giant Python specifies that it only counts defense dice added by declaring targets, which the Oathkeeper bonus and battle plans are not." }, { "q": "How does this interact with $link:Sprawling Ramparts$?", "a": "Sites now add two dice each, so it would be legal to target one site alone. However, you could not target one site and a relic that added one defense die, as this would be a total of three added defense dice." }, { "q": "If I am an Imperial player and an Imperial Ally has this, does this take effect?", "a": "If the Chancellor has it, it takes effect, since they are always an Ally. If a Citizen has it, it does not take effect, since targets were already declared." } ], "card": "Giant Python" }, { "faq": [ { "q": "So if I am attacking the Empire and use this, can Imperial Allies use battle plans?", "a": "Nope. In these situations, consider \u2018defender\u2019 to mean the entire defending side." } ], "card": "Specialist" }, { "faq": [ { "q": "If I swap this for the $link:Pied Piper$ and they already have four cards, what happens?", "a": "They will need to discard a card from their advisers, but not the Enchantress." } ], "card": "Enchantress" }, { "faq": [ { "q": "Can I take someone\u2019s last secret? Most cards don\u2019t allow this.", "a": "Yup! You\u2019re giving them favor, after all." }, { "q": "Can I affect multiple players at my site with one use of this card power?", "a": "Yes!" }, { "q": "How does this work if I have $link:Vow of Silence$?", "a": "You cannot use it to give away your secrets, but you can give favor to take secrets." } ], "card": "Witch's Bargain" }, { "faq": [ { "q": "Do I modify the die roll before or after rolling?", "a": "After, although it is doubtful this will ever matter." }, { "q": "What happens if I roll a 6 and increase the number?", "a": "The game still ends." } ], "card": "Squalid District" }, { "faq": [ { "q": "So can I use Trade modifiers in their advisers, like $link:Marriage$ and $link:Secret Signal$?", "a": "Yes!" }, { "q": "Can I use my other Trade modifiers before using Master of Disguise?", "a": "No, you fully replace your advisers with another player\u2019s advisers for the current Trade action." }, { "q": "Can I use this to get around $link:Vow of Poverty$ or $link:Vow of Kinship$?", "a": "Yes. Quite a sincere vow, right?" } ], "card": "Master of Disguise" }, { "faq": [ { "q": "Can I attack someone who does not rule my site and whose pawn is not at my site?", "a": "Nope. You must follow the normal Campaign rules for declaring a defender." }, { "q": "When exactly do I campaign?", "a": "Immediately after the triggering player ends their campaign." }, { "q": "Can I use this power if the attacker used $link:Second Wind$?", "a": "Yes. Resolve Sneak Attack first, then Second Wind." } ], "card": "Sneak Attack" }, { "faq": [ { "q": "Does this card power apply if I am playing a facedown card ($rule:6.1$)?", "a": "Yes! As it says in the rules, modifiers do apply." }, { "q": "If I paid for Forced Labor once when playing facedown, would I have to pay again to play it face up?", "a": "Yes! Servitude is not pleasant." } ], "card": "Forced Labor" }, { "faq": [ { "q": "Do cards like $Royal Tax$ take favor from the Nomad bank now?", "a": "Nope. You can use favor in the Nomad bank, but it is not favor on your board." }, { "q": "If I have the $link:Banner of the People's Favor$ with only one favor, does its Wake power force me to take from the Nomad bank?", "a": "No. You can use Nomad favor as if it is on your board, but you are not forced to." }, { "q": "If someone gives me favor, such as by using $link:Witch's Bargain$, does it go on my board or in the Nomad bank?", "a": "It goes to the Nomad bank. More accurately, the card should say \u2018any favor going to your board\u2019 instead of \u2018any favor you gain or take.\u2019" } ], "card": "Vow of Kinship" }, { "faq": [ { "q": "If I already have a face-up Vision, do I have to discard it?", "a": "Nope! You just cannot play any new ones." }, { "q": "Can I play the Conspiracy if I have this?", "a": "Nope! The Conspiracy is a Vision." } ], "card": "Vow of Obedience" }, { "faq": [ { "q": "Can I move this card to a site with no denizens to discard?", "a": "Nope! A slightly more accurate templating would be \u2018Discard a denizen card at any site to move this card there.\u2019" } ], "card": "Roving Terror" }, { "faq": [ { "q": "If I only draw one card but cannot play it face up, what do I do?", "a": "Discard it, following the normal rules." }, { "q": "If the bandits rule this, who does it affect?", "a": "Every player!" }, { "q": "Does this force enemies to flip up their current facedown advisers?", "a": "Nope. Any advisers that are currently facedown can remain facedown." }, { "q": "Does this affect the facing of advisers during setup?", "a": "Nope." } ], "card": "Gossip" }, { "faq": [ { "q": "Does taking burned favor include if someone recovers a relic from a site with a favor burn cost? What if I\u2019m the one recovering it?", "a": "Yup, you take the favor in all of those cases." } ], "card": "Vow of Renewal" }, { "faq": [ { "q": "When exactly do I pay for this power?", "a": "When you choose to use it, immediately after someone takes relics and they\u2019re in your region." }, { "q": "Could I use this on a player who just took a relic from me in a campaign?", "a": "Yes! Pretty devious, right?" }, { "q": "Could I use this to take relics given in an exchange or from Citizenship offers?", "a": "Nope. Very strictly, these are cases where a relic is given, rather than taken." }, { "q": "When does the Oathkeeper title change hands if a relic is taken and then taken again with Relic Thief?", "a": "Check for who holds the most relics at each moment that relics change hands, not after the entire process of multiple players taking relics." }, { "q": "Do I evaluate the results of the roll all at once, or one die at a time?", "a": "All at once. It is less likely that you succeed on the roll with more relics, but you will get all of them if you do succeed." } ], "card": "Relic Thief" }, { "faq": [ { "q": "How does this interact with the $link:Shrouded Wood$?", "a": "You must choose whether to use Tents at the start of the action. If the ruler makes you travel to another region, Tents does not work." } ], "card": "Tents" }, { "faq": [ { "q": "Can I be forced to travel here?", "a": "Only if you choose to pay the favor toll or if you do not need to." }, { "q": "Do I have to pay the bandits when traveling to a facedown site?", "a": "No, since no one rules facedown sites." } ], "card": "Toll Roads" }, { "faq": [ { "q": "If I\u2019m the Chancellor and I\u2019m joining a campaign as an Imperial Ally to a Citizen defender, does using this battle plan mean that the Citizen defender can\u2019t use other battle plans?", "a": "Yes. This is an errata from the rules as written." }, { "q": "If the bandits rule Code of Honor as well as other battle plans that they can use, which battle plans will they use when defending in a campaign?", "a": "They will use Code of Honor and no others." } ], "card": "Code of Honor" }, { "faq": [ { "q": "Can I use Palanquin to go to a site with $link:Toll Roads$?", "a": "Yes, but the player whose pawn is at your site must choose to give a favor to Toll Roads\u2019 ruler, if they don\u2019t rule it themself." }, { "q": "If we\u2019re both at the $link:Shrouded Wood$, who chooses where we go?", "a": "You will always go to the site that you choose, as long as the other player could travel there. If you rule the Shrouded Wood, you choose their destination, which can be different from the site that you go to. If they rule the Shrouded Wood, they will travel to the same site as you. If a third party rules the Shrouded Wood, the third party will choose where the player travels." } ], "card": "Palanquin" }, { "faq": [ { "q": "Can I target a relic at a site I already rule?", "a": "No, you must be targeting the site as well." } ], "card": "Relic Hunter" }, { "faq": [ { "q": "What happens if my enemy has multiple advisers of the same suit?", "a": "Take one favor per adviser of that suit. So if they have two Hearth advisers, take two favor from the Hearth bank." }, { "q": "What happens if the bandits rule this and are victorious?", "a": "Burn the gained favor. I will likely add a clarifying rule to always burn favor going to bandits, since this behavior is baked into cards like $link:Toll Roads$." } ], "card": "Military Parade" }, { "faq": [ { "q": "Does this also let me ignore the powers of cards at the site I am traveling to, such as $link:Toll Roads$?", "a": "Nope, just the power of the site itself. It lets you get around things like the $link:Narrow Pass$." }, { "q": "What happens if I use this when traveling from the $link:Shrouded Wood$ that is ruled by an enemy?", "a": "If the enemy ruler chooses that you travel to a Beast site, you pay no Supply. If you have less than 2 Supply, the enemy could either force your Travel action to fail, or could let you travel to a Beast site for free." } ], "card": "Forest Paths" }, { "faq": [ { "q": "Can I use Trade modifiers at the site my pawn is physically at, in addition to the site I am acting as if I am at?", "a": "Nope! Only the new site." } ], "card": "Small Friends" }, { "faq": [ { "q": "Can I still use this as an Arcane card for trading?", "a": "Yup! The Trade modifier is optional." }, { "q": "Can I treat this as other suits for stuff outside Trade?", "a": "Nope! It's a Trade modifier, so it only works with the Trade action. This card is a bit less wacky than most." } ], "card": "Acting Troupe" }, { "faq": [ { "q": "In the Oathkeeper of Protection, if I get the most relics before I return a relic to the deck, do I take the Oathkeeper title?", "a": "No. Only count your number of relics after you have completed this action." } ], "card": "Fae Merchant" }, { "faq": [ { "q": "If there are no warbands at the site I travel to, do I have to kill a warband on my board?", "a": "Nope. It\u2019s one at the site." }, { "q": "Can I still travel to a site if there are no warbands there?", "a": "Yup. That\u2019s what the \u201cif able\u201d signifies ($rule:10$)." }, { "q": "If I travel to a site that has only one of my warbands on it, do I have to kill it? Pretty please no?", "a": "Sorry, you have to kill it!" } ], "card": "Tyrant" }, { "faq": [ { "q": "Does the \u201cunless your enemy has the People's Favor\u201d restriction apply to both the skull cancellation and attack dice?", "a": "Yes, the entire power is canceled if your enemy has the People's Favor." } ], "card": "The Great Levy" }, { "faq": [ { "q": "Can I take the extra favor from a different bank?", "a": "No, it all must come from the same bank, as normal." } ], "card": "Secret Signal" }, { "faq": [ { "q": "What does \u2018other\u2019 mean on this card?", "a": "If Discord happens to be the most common suit, do not discard Riots." }, { "q": "Which cards count for the most common suit, and which get discarded exactly?", "a": "Count and discard cards at all sites. Do not count or discard advisers." } ], "card": "Riots" }, { "faq": [ { "q": "If I am attacking a player who has Imperial Allies, do I have to give the favor to all of them?", "a": "Nope. Give the favor to the player you are attacking." }, { "q": "If I don\u2019t have the favor to give, can I still be victorious?", "a": "Nope. Consider the favor you\u2019re giving them as part of the cost to use the power." }, { "q": "Can I use this when targeting their pawn and favor, thus burning some of the favor I give them?", "a": "Yes. Also you are a terrible person and I love it." } ], "card": "Peace Envoy" }, { "faq": [ { "q": "Does this include the $link:Conspiracy$?", "a": "Yup!" } ], "card": "Book Binders" }, { "faq": [ { "q": "If my enemy has any facedown secrets, do they have to burn them in any particular order?", "a": "Nope. They burn all of their secrets except one, whether face up or down." } ], "card": "Book Burning" }, { "faq": [ { "q": "How does this interact with $link:Pied Piper$?", "a": "You can always play Pied Piper after Family Wagon. If you play Family Wagon after Pied Piper, you can only keep one non-Nomad adviser, so you could keep Pied Piper or one other non-Nomad card. (This ruling has changed.)" }, { "q": "What happens if I play this into my advisers and already have three Nomad advisers?", "a": "Nothing, this is okay. You check whether to discard based on the new adviser limit prompted by the card you are playing. In this case, Family Wagon will increase your adviser limit and allow you to play without discarding. (This ruling has changed.)" } ], "card": "Family Wagon" }, { "faq": [ { "q": "What if I don\u2019t have any warbands?", "a": "Not a problem. You only kill one if you have any on your board." }, { "q": "Can I be forced to travel from a site affected by this card, and make me lose warbands?", "a": "Yes!" } ], "card": "Grasping Vines" }, { "faq": [ { "q": "If I am attacking a player who has Imperial Allies, do I have to give a favor to each of them?", "a": "Nope. Give the favor to the player that you are attacking." }, { "q": "If my enemy uses a card like $link:Traveling Doctor$ to ignore this, do I still give the favor?", "a": "Yes. More accurately, the card should say \u2018If you choose to\u2019 rather than \u2018If you do.\u2019" } ], "card": "Sticky Fire" }, { "faq": [ { "q": "How does this interact with $link:Hospital$?", "a": "Warbands that would be killed are placed on Hospital\u2019s site, as long as that player still rules it. Then, any warbands in that player\u2019s force are put on Obsidian Cage." }, { "q": "What happens to warbands on this card if it is returned to the relic deck?", "a": "The player who holds it must return all the warbands as described on its Action power." }, { "q": "What happens to Exile warbands if the Exile becomes a Citizen?", "a": "They remain the same color while on the Cage. If they are returned, they must return to that Exile and become purple." } ], "card": "Obsidian Cage" }, { "faq": [ { "q": "How does this interact with $link:Hospital$?", "a": "Hospital prevents warbands from being killed, so you don\u2019t gain warbands for them." }, { "q": "If I am a Citizen and campaign against the Chancellor or another Citizen, what color of warbands do I gain?", "a": "You still gain purple warbands." } ], "card": "Cursed Cauldron" }, { "faq": [ { "q": "When exactly do I place the warbands saved from being killed?", "a": "At the end of the campaign. More accurately, the card should read \u2018If any of your warbands would be killed, place them on Hospital's site instead if you rule it at the end.\u2019" } ], "card": "Hospital" }, { "faq": [ { "q": "Can I use this if the Darkest Secret is still in the shared bank?", "a": "Yes, and any excess secrets will return to the shared bank when a player recovers it." } ], "card": "Storyteller" }, { "faq": [ { "q": "Can I use this to add a secret to the Darkest Secret if it is still in the shared bank?", "a": "Yes, and any excess secrets will return to the shared bank when a player recovers it." } ], "card": "Forgotten Vault" }, { "faq": [ { "q": "If the bandits rule this card, can anyone recover the Darkest Secret?", "a": "Nope! For completeness, the definition of \u2018enemy\u2019 in the Glossary should also say that the bandits consider all players enemies." } ], "card": "Tome Guardians" }, { "faq": [ { "q": "Can I use this if my region\u2019s discard pile is empty?", "a": "Nope! You have to reveal a card." }, { "q": "What happens if I reveal a Vision card from the top of the discard pile?", "a": "It does not match anything, so you can travel anywhere. Congratulations!" }, { "q": "Where does the card go after I reveal it?", "a": "Just put it back on the discard pile facedown." }, { "q": "If I use this to travel from the $link:Shrouded Wood$, but an enemy rules it, what happens?", "a": "The ruler chooses your destination site from among the possible ones allowed by Brass Horse." }, { "q": "What happens if the only site with a matching suit is the site where my pawn is?", "a": "You can travel to any other site, since when you Travel you move to a different site." } ], "card": "Brass Horse" }, { "faq": [ { "q": "If I\u2019m in $link:The Hidden Place$, can I force them to flip over a secret to travel to me?", "a": "No. They have to be willing to flip it over. You do not have power over their resources." }, { "q": "If they\u2019re in another region and the $link:Narrow Pass$ is in my region, will Whistle work?", "a": "Nope. They won\u2019t be able to travel to you, unless you\u2019re at the Narrow Pass." }, { "q": "If I have the $link: Vow of Silence$, do I have to give the secret away?", "a": "Nope. Expect that your Whistle is going to get stolen soon!" }, { "q": "Do they get the secret face up or down?", "a": "Face up." } ], "card": "Whistle" }, { "faq": [ { "q": "What cases does this cover?", "a": "All of them! You can campaign against sites but you can\u2019t place warbands at them. You can\u2019t drop off warbands using a minor action ($rule:6.5$). You can\u2019t use $link:Warning Signals$ to move warbands around. And so on." } ], "card": "Ring of Devotion" }, { "faq": [ { "q": "Can I use this to remove or sacrifice the last warband of mine off a site?", "a": "Yes you can. This gets around the restriction in the relevant minor action ($rule:6.5$)." }, { "q": "Can I not add warbands at my sites to my attacking force?", "a": "Nope, as with the other vows, you gotta do it." }, { "q": "Does this allow me to redistribute warbands from my attacking force across the sites I rule?", "a": "No. You can choose where to remove them from, but you cannot freely redistribute." }, { "q": "Can someone make me travel if I have this?", "a": "Nope! For example, banishing your pawn would only burn half your favor." }, { "q": "How does this work if I have $link:Bandit Crown$?", "a": "Add the bandit warbands to your attacking force. You could not kill or sacrifice the bandit warbands, only your physical warbands. Expect your Bandit Crown to get stolen soon!" }, { "q": "If I am a Citizen attacking a Citizen or the Chancellor, do I add purple warbands at sites to my attacking force?", "a": "No. During this campaign you are not an Imperial player, so you do not rule sites that have purple warbands on them." } ], "card": "Vow of Union" }, { "faq": [ { "q": "How does this work if I have $link:Witch's Bargain$?", "a": "Other players can still take your secrets, but you cannot use it to give away your secrets. Give and take are distinct keywords." } ], "card": "Vow of Silence" }, { "faq": [ { "q": "Can I use this along with the $link:Banner of the People's Favor?$", "a": "Yup!" } ], "card": "Crop Rotation" }, { "faq": [ { "q": "Can I play this if I have two locked advisers already?", "a": "Nope. You need to be able to fulfill your adviser capacity, and you would not be able to." } ], "card": "Insomnia" }, { "faq": [ { "q": "Can I play this if I have two locked advisers already?", "a": "Nope. You need to be able to fulfill your adviser capacity, and you would not be able to." } ], "card": "Silver Tongue" }, { "faq": [ { "q": "Can I play this if I have two locked advisers already?", "a": "Nope. You need to be able to fulfill your adviser capacity, and you would not be able to." } ], "card": "Assassin" }, { "faq": [ { "q": "Can I be forced to travel here?", "a": "Only if you choose to flip a secret." }, { "q": "If a travel to the site, do I still have to flip another secret if I declare campaign targets at the site?", "a": "Yup! So if you traveled to the site and then targeted the site and a pawn there, you would need to flip two secrets." } ], "card": "The Hidden Place" }, { "faq": [ { "q": "Can I choose to not burn the secret and just return the card to the box?", "a": "Yes! It says \u2018You may...\u2019" } ], "card": "Conspiracy" }, { "faq": [ { "q": "If I discard a card that has favor on it, does the favor return to its bank in time to take using this power?", "a": "Yes!" } ], "card": "Taming Charm" }, { "faq": [ { "q": "Does this let me avoid stopping when I draw a Vision from the world deck?", "a": "Nope. You still stop if you draw one." }, { "q": "Can I choose to draw two more cards after I draw the original amount?", "a": "No. As with other action modifiers, you choose whether to use it at the start of the action it modifies. A clearer wording might be 'Draw two more cards. If you use this power, you must reveal every card you draw and the card you keep.'" } ], "card": "Truthful Harp" }, { "faq": [ { "q": "If I have the $link:Truthful Harp$, what do I have to reveal?", "a": "The cards you draw from the deck or discard pile, and the specific card you keep, but not swapped Dispossessed cards that you do not keep." } ], "card": "Great Spire" }, { "faq": [ { "q": "Can the Chancellor use this?", "a": "Yes! The other players should probably think about getting the Skeleton Key away from the Chancellor." } ], "card": "Skeleton Key" }, { "faq": [ { "q": "Can this be used against empty, bandit-ruled sites?", "a": "Yes!" } ], "card": "Key to the City" }, { "faq": [ { "q": "Do I get a warband if someone forces me to travel?", "a": "Yes!" } ], "card": "Dragonskin Drum" }, { "faq": [ { "q": "Can I use this card in any way to reroll the same set of dice multiple times?", "a": "No. It is too subtle, but the word \u2018once\u2019 indicates that the dice cannot be rerolled multiple times." }, { "q": "Do I pay for this card before or after rolling?", "a": "After." }, { "q": "Can I use this to reroll dice for $link:Relic Thief$ or $Gambling Hall$?", "a": "Yup! Jinx is templated super weirdly, as a persistent power rather than a battle plan, so you can do this." } ], "card": "Jinx" }, { "faq": [ { "q": "Can I use this to get around the power of the $link:Shrouded Wood$ if the Chancellor rules it?", "a": "Unfortunately, no. You only rule cards at sites, not the sites themselves." } ], "card": "Grand Mask" }, { "faq": [ { "q": "Can I use the Scepter on the same turn that I got it if I was given it in an exchange?", "a": "Yes! Take and give are unique keywords, so feel free. Thematically, you were freely given the power to use it, rather than seizing it." } ], "card": "The Grand Scepter" }, { "faq": [ { "q": "How does this interact with the $link:Fertile Valley$?", "a": "If you play a Hearth card to the Fertile Valley, you will get one secret (for playing to a site) and one favor (for playing to the Fertile Valley specifically)." } ], "card": "Book of Records" }, { "faq": [ { "q": "If I use Zealots and later roll skulls in a way that makes my force smaller than the defending force, does Zealots trigger?", "a": "Nope. Check whether your force is smaller than the defending force when you use the battle plan." } ], "card": "Zealots" }, { "faq": [ { "q": "So do I basically get an extra warband at sites I rule if I have this?", "a": "Yup! A site you rule with one physical warband basically has two, since you count bandits as warbands." }, { "q": "If I have the Bandit Crown, can I take the last warband off my site as a minor action ($rule:6.5$)? Likewise, can I simply put a warband on a site with no warbands on it?", "a": "Yes to both! The bandit there counts as your warband, so you\u2019re not really taking your last one off the site, and you rule empty sites." }, { "q": "What does \u2018your warbands\u2019 refer to exactly?", "a": "As an Exile, they are your color of warbands. As the Chancellor or a Citizen, they are purple warbands. But if you\u2019re a Citizen and attack an Imperial player, they revert to your color of warbands for that campaign." }, { "q": "Do purple warbands get added to empty sites if I have the Bandit Crown and become a Citizen or flip up facedown sites while I am a Citizen?", "a": "Nope. Keep the sites empty, though they are still ruled by the Empire." }, { "q": "In the Chronicle, if I win, do I discard sites with no warbands?", "a": "Nope! You rule them." }, { "q": "In the Chronicle, if I win as the Chancellor and a Citizen has the Bandit Crown, do I discard sites with no warbands?", "a": "No, You rule those sites as well. The Citizen\u2019s warbands are purple, and they treat bandits as their warbands." }, { "q": "In the Chronicle, if I win as an Exile and make another Exile with the Bandit Crown into a Citizen, what happens?", "a": "You\u2019ll place a warband on all of the sites they rule, even sites they had no warbands on." } ], "card": "Bandit Crown" }, { "faq": [ { "q": "Does this protect sites from being discarded even if the winner does not rule it?", "a": "Yes! It will become a ruin later in the Chronicle, though." }, { "q": "Does this protect sites immediately after being built, or only in the next Chronicle?", "a": "It immediately protects sites." }, { "q": "If a site has a Beast card and an edifice, but the winner does not rule it, does Forest Temple protect it from getting ruined?", "a": "No. All Forest Temple does is prevent a site discard, not whether an edifice degrades to a ruin from lack of rule." } ], "card": "Forest Temple" }, { "faq": [ { "q": "Do rolls of 2x faces multiply the total result, like in a campaign?", "a": "Yes!" } ], "card": "Gambling Hall" }, { "faq": [ { "q": "If I have a banner, can I recover it from myself?", "a": "Yes you can. More accurately, this card should say \u2018Other players...\u2019" } ], "card": "Circlet of Command" }, { "faq": [ { "q": "What does \u2018any time\u2019 mean? The same game? Future games?", "a": "Whatever your group agrees to. This falls under the Group Agreements guidance in the playbook involving metagame play." } ], "card": "The Tribunal" }, { "faq": [ { "q": "Can I look at the top five cards before I choose how many to swap?", "a": "Nope. You choose how many you want to swap without peeking at all. You better know what is in there if you want to get rid of specific cards!" } ], "card": "Fallen Spire" }, { "faq": [ { "q": "If someone forces me to travel away from here and I rule this site, do I get to choose where to go?", "a": "No. The power of the Shrouded Wood applies when an enemy rules it, not when you rule it." }, { "q": "If someone forces me to travel away from here and a different enemy rules this site, do they get to choose where I go?", "a": "Yes!" }, { "q": "If the Chancellor is Decadent and travels from this site to a Hinterland site, how many Supply does this cost?", "a": "Three. The base Travel cost is two, and Decadent adds one more." }, { "q": "What happens if I want to travel from here, but the bandits rule this site?", "a": "Travel as normal. This site text needs a small errata, changing \u2018enemy\u2019 to \u2018enemy player.\u2019" }, { "q": "How does this work if the Clockwork Prince rules it?", "a": "Under Limited Powers, travel as normal. Under Expanded Powers, your desination is chosen by the player with discretion, as described in Expanded Powers." } ], "card": "Shrouded Wood" }, { "faq": [ { "q": "Can I bury Visions? What does that do to the Visions Drawn track?", "a": "Yes you can, and it does not do anything to the Visions Drawn track." } ], "card": "Cracked Horn" }, { "faq": [ { "q": "Does this work if I play a card facedown in my advisers?", "a": "No. More accurately, the card should say \u2018If you play a denizen face up when first drawn, gain favor from the Hearth bank.\u2019" }, { "q": "Does this power trigger when I play Welcoming Party itself?", "a": "No." } ], "card": "Welcoming Party" }, { "faq": [ { "q": "Do I gain favor for swapping a card into the site?", "a": "No. A \u2018swap\u2019 is not a \u2018play.\u2019" } ], "card": "Horned Mask" }, { "faq": [ { "q": "What happens if I have no favor to put on it during my Wake Phase, but it only has one favor on it?", "a": "Nothing. It stays at one favor." }, { "q": "Can I use this to play cards to facedown sites?", "a": "Nope! They have no capacity for cards." }, { "q": "Does anything happen to the favor on this if I give away the banner?", "a": "Nope!" } ], "card": "Banner of the People's Favor" }, { "faq": [ { "q": "Can I place one favor and return one favor, or do I have to do the same thing twice?", "a": "You may place one favor and return one favor, keeping its value the same." } ], "card": "Banner of the Mob's Favor" }, { "faq": [ { "q": "Can I recover this from someone if they have no cards at their site?", "a": "Nope." }, { "q": "Can I recover this from someone who has no advisers if they have cards at their site?", "a": "Yes you can! This is an errata." }, { "q": "Does anything happen to the secrets on this if I give away the banner?", "a": "Nope!" } ], "card": "Banner of the Darkest Secret" } ]