Living Costs

To simplify things, below is a list of monthly living expenses. How a character lives their lives will effect how others in town treats your character. These costs assume that room and board is not provided by an employer, and thus covers rent/property maintenance. Those with a penchant for gambling or other vices should double the random part of their monthly expenses. Misers and hermits should cut the random portion in half.

Destitute: 10+2d10 cp/month
· Beggar or squatter
· Homeless
· Begs for scraps, or steals but gets at least some food most days
· Clothing in tatters

Poor: 50+2d10 sp/month
· Farm hand, common laborer, soldier or apprentice
· Lives in a flop house or common hall
· Eats at least one meal day. Enjoys meat once/week
· Drinks at least one mug of ale a day
· One set of clothes per year. Clothing is usually worn and grubby
· Pays a small tithe to a local church as well as the poll tax

Middle-class: 20+2d10 gp/month
· Free farmer, store proprietor, military officer, clerk, skilled artisan
· Eats two or three meals/day and enjoys meat most days
· Drinks a couple of mugs of ale per day
· One set of clothes per year. Clothing is usually worn, but clean
· Contributes to the local church and pays taxes

Well-Off: 100+2d10x5 gp/month
· Estate farmer, lawyer, merchant, master artisan, priest
· Eats quality food every day
· Drinks ale or wine every day
· Has at least one domestic servant and probably stables a horse
· At least one new set of clothes per season. Clothing is always clean
· Generous contributions to local church and pays property taxes

Wealthy: 400+2d10x10 gp/month
· Wealthy merchant, minor noble
· Eats large and varied meals every day
· Drinks bottled wine and spirits every day
· Has a small staff of servants, some highly trained. Probably has at least one bodyguard. Stables a horse
· New clothing every month, with a large collection of jewelry
· Major contributor to local churches, and pays property taxes

Opulent: 1200+2d10x50 gp/month
· Merchant prince or powerful noble
· Eats exotic foods and throws large banquets
· Copious quantities of the finest spirits consumed
· Large staff of servants and bodyguards. Has a stable full of animals.
· Large and elaborate wardrobe. May never wear the same outfit twice.
· Major contributor to all the local churches and charities, and pays property tax.