22/1 "Slide of the week" - email Rafi with ppts 29/1 Pete Carey - Working with the extraction industry in Armenia to minimise the impacts of a mine in a biodiversity hotspot 5/2 Tanentzap - NERC funding re-organization 12/2 Distinguished Professor Graham Farquhar AO, FAA, FRS, NAS - Water-use efficiency and water use effectiveness, a stomatal perspective using stable isotopes [note change to LLT] 19/2 Chadtip - Root work in tropical forests 26/2 Barbara Goettsch (IUCN) - Plants for People 5/3 Coomes - Big trees grow fast 12/3 Part IIs - 10 mins each 27/3 Rafi - Gap dynamics and stand spatial patterns 2/4 Matt Upson (Cranfield) 9/4 Tomasso 23/4 Jessica R + slide of the day 30/4 Bert Leigh (STRI) - Historical biogeography of Panama 7/5 Brent Helliker (UPenn) 14/5 Tanentzap 21/5 Celestin - Physiological approach to agroforestry research in Rwanda 4/6 Bill Lee (Auckland, Landcare) - Alternative stable states: do they exist and does it matter? 18/6 Eske Willerslev (Copenhagen) - Special Seminars in Ecology and Evolution (Zoology, Main Lecture Theatre) 24/6 Daphne Lee (Otago) - Cenozoic palaeobotany (Harker 1, Earth Sciences) 9/7 Harriet Allen and Tim Rademacher 16/7 Andy Pain 23/7 Grubb - Rock, steppe, woodland and forest in eastern Turkey: human impacts 30/7 Prof Peter Chesson (Arizona)