/* Script: Market Tools Author: Tsalkapone Translation context: Completed Send your translation to: tsalkapone@hotmail.com DON'T FORGET TO MENTION THE LANGUAGE */ tsalkapone_trans.english= { general:{ script:"Market Tools", script2:"Resources Balancer", notification:"Notification from", selected_one:"Current selected language", available:"Available languages", button_list:"Buttons List", lang_sel:"Click to change the selected language", message_no:"No", message_no1:"Go to Premium Exchange", message_no2:"Go to My Offers", message_no3:"Go to Send Resources", message_1:"This script is activated on the following Market's pages", message_2:"Premium Exchange, My Offers, Send Resources", message_3:" Do you want to automatically assign your location to one of these pages?", comm:"Feel free to send any message regarding script bugs or proposing ideas to", des:"Function description", but:"Buttons", edited_by:"Edited by", res_list:"Template's Settings", temp:"Template", title:"Template's title", wood:"Wood", clay:"Clay", iron:"Iron", syn:"Targets' coordinates", key:"Shortcut key", info_1:"Title
Enter a title for each template.

Enter the value of each resource to be inserted in the relevant fields.

Enter the coordinates of the villages to send the selected resources.

Shortcut key
Enter a character (e.g. u) or a combination of characters (e.g. k+a) from your keyboard to assign to each template's function.

Only one type of resource
Select only one type of resource to use all the available merchants to send the maximum value of this resource.", allwood:"Only wood", allclay:"Only clay", alliron:"Only iron", balance:"Balance Resources", offer:"Enter the amount of resource you want to offer", ask:"Enter the amount of resource you want to ask", dis:"Enter the maximum merchants' travel distance", info1:"Click to apply the selected settings. The script will balance the amount of the resource in the highest quantity and the resource in the lowest quantity making the needed offers using the values you selected.", info2:"Enter the amount of resource you will offer to each market offer you will make.", info3:"Enter the amount of resource you will ask to each market offer you will make.", info4:"Enter the allowed maximum travel distance of your merchants for each market offer you will make.", script3:"Premium Exchange Alarm", res_type:"Resource type", avail:"Available resources", capacity:"Stock capacity", alarm:"Quantity alarm", info5:"Every time a resource type is equal or exceeds the entered value in Quantity alarm the function of the script ceases and a video-song appears on the screen alarming you there is available amount to exchange.
The available resource type is highlighted with red color.

Click Restart to restart the script's function or refresh the page and re-activate the script.

You have to keep the page-tab active for the alarm-function to work properly. Alternatively, you may open it on a new browser window while you keep playing on other window.", info6:"Save the entered value
on Quantity alarm", alarm_note:"The calculation of available resources and stock capacity has been stopped.", }, tw:{ create:"Create", /* MUST BE TRANSLATED TO THE EXACT WORD IN EACH SERVER */ }, buttons:{ lang_open:"Open language selection", lang_close:"Close language selection", save:"Save Settings", hide:"Hide Settings", bal_set:"Settings", save_title:"Click here to save the selected settings of this script.

If you dont save the settings the selected values wont be applied.", hide_title:"Click here to hide the current settings menu.", rest:"Restart", }, notes:{ activated:"The Market Tools script is already active", last:"These are the last selected coords. Activate the script again to restart.", values:"No saved values detected. You have to save the script settings values to operate the script.", saved:"The selected values have been successfully saved.", coords:"No selected coords were detected. Define some targets and try again.", }, };