LAB INTERIOR. THE SOUND OF A DOT MATRIX PRINTER. COOL JAZZ PLAYS EXEGETICALLY. THE FUMBLING OF PAPER A VOICE BEGINS READING OUT THE CONTENTS OF A LETTER, BEGINNING WITH JOHN WELLES: Dear John I've been wondering for a retentive meter how to say this. It feels overly formal, writing a alphabetic character - ...JOHN'S VOICE FADES OUT AS WE BEGIN TO HEAR THE VOICE OF THE WRITER OF THIS LETTER, it's like a wire from somebody recently passed, informing you to make posthaste. WENDY: I've rewritten this particular translation 7 times. Every time I get secretly more pessimistic, that I am trapped in a Zenos paradox of my own construction - that the rules of the biz I myself created preclude me from e'er reaching my goal. This isn't simply a example of converging on perfection, though - as I write, I am changing, and each closed circuit rewrites a little of who I am. I am a greyhound chasing Zenos hare. And each time I rewrite this, the means becomes more inscrutable to me. But mayhap it betrays a minuscule more than of me, to you ; a piffling of who I really am. And that is why I am writing - because I want you to know me as I am, and non as I was. This is my life today - tricking myself into revealing things about myself I didn't know, and I didn't know how heroic I was for you to know I hope this makes sense - I'm non hiding things from you, so much as from my ego. Yours in revealed secrets Wendy MUSIC BUILDS AS AN ORGAN PLAYS AND A GUITAR SOLO BEGINS --- Neutrinowatch is generated daily, so this text will change every day. This version was generated on Wednesday, 08 May 2024, at 00:05 UTC/GMT