/* Script: Map Scripts Author: Tsalkapone Translation context: Completed Send your translation to: tsalkapone@hotmail.com DON'T FORGET TO MENTION THE LANGUAGE */ tsalkapone_trans.english= { general:{ script:"Map Scripts", menu:"Menu", notification:"Notification from", selected_one:"Current selected language", available:"Available languages", button_list:"Functions & Buttons List", lang_sel:"Click to change the selected language", message_no:"No", message_yes:"Yes", message_1:"This script is activated on Map.", message_2:" Do you want to automatically assign your location to this page?", comm:"Feel free to send any message regarding script bugs or proposing ideas to", funcs:"Functions' Description", buts:"Buttons", cofinder:"Extract and count every coord on the visible canvas of the Map", coex:"Extract the coords from selected villages and use or modify them through a variety of functions", copoints:"Extract coords from the visible canvas of the Map based on their type (barbarian or player's) and their points", religion:"Design infuence area of religion on Map's canvas based on any kind of church's type and level", resize:"Resize the visible canvas of the Map and the Minimap", typepo:"Define the type and points of villages to be searched", barbs:"Check to search for barbarian villages", players:"Check to search for players villages", mins:"Minimum points", maxs:"Maximum points", order:"Vertical/Horizontal order", barb_c:"You have included barbarian villages in the search", player_c:"You have included players villages in the search", barb_no:"You have excluded barbarian villages from the search", player_no:"You have excluded players villages from the search", context1:"Context of the extracted coordinations", results:"Total coords extracted", ex1:"Coords Extractor", ex2:"Add [claim] bb-code", ex3:"Show counting", ex4:"Design table for tribal forums", ex5:"Show points", expoints:"Points", excoords:"Coords", script_text:"Text that may be used in fake/farming/nuke scripts", no_coords:"No coords extracted", ask:"I ask for permission to claim the following villages", gen_text:"Context for the Claim List", activate:"Activate", targets:"Coords ~ Targets", ch_level:"Church Level", sel_op:"Select an option", av_op:"Available options", vil:"Current village", ovil:"Selected village", not_act:"Not activated", sel_ch:"Select church level", f1:"First Church", level:"Level", act:"Activated", res_rel:"Check this option to clear any belief radius on the Map. If you don't you won't be able to lower church levels", map:"Map", info1:"Check to include the points of every extracted village", info2:"Check to add the [claim] tag to the selected villages", info3:"Check to design a table with the selected extracted data", info4:"Check to add numbering to the extracted villages", info5:"Check to order the extracted data vertically. Uncheck to order them horizontally", }, buttons:{ lang_open:"Open language selection", lang_close:"Close language selection", cofinder:"Coords Finder", coex:"Coords Extractor", copoints:"Coords & Points", religion:"Religion Infuence", resize:"Resize Map", search:"Search for Coords", close_cofinder:"Close Coords Finder", close_area:"Close context", show_area:"Show context", hide_area:"Hide context", close_coex:"Close Extractor", claim_text:"Create claim text", fake_text:"Form text for script", close_rel:"Close Religion Infuence", apply_rel:"Apply Settings", close_resize:"Close Map Resize", map_info:"Note that some functions are available only under certain cirmustances.

For instance Map Resize is only available with inactive premium account and Infuence Religion only with active church config", }, notes:{ activated:"The script is already active. Search for the menu under the Map.", extractor1:"The script is already active. Search for the extractor's table under the minimap", extractor2:"In case you activated the script and closed its table you have to refresh the page to be able to re-activate it", resize:"Click here to resize the Map", applied:"The belief radius has been applied on the Map", }, };