How much will the game cost?

The game will be free once it is closer to finished. I prefer to make my money through Patreon, because it allows me to focus on doing what I think is best for the game, instead of building the game around sales strategies.

Until then, the game is only available to patreon supporters. Once the game goes free, patrons will receive updates a little earlier than the public.

Where can I download the game?

Eventually, the game will be free, but for right now, the game is only available to people who support me on Patreon at the $10 tier. If you're already supporting me, just head on over to my Patreon feed, scroll down until you find the most recent development build, and there will be a download link at the bottom of the post.

If you don't want to use Patreon, you can also get the exact same content on my page.

When will the game be released?

I don't like setting deadlines, because I have no idea how long it will take to finish the game. With that said, public builds will most likely start being released somewhere around the end of Phase 2 / beginning of Phase 3.

Where should I submit bugs?

I have an idea. Where should I post it?

General ideas about gameplay, as well as requests for specific toys and fetishes, can be made at:

If there is a specific species you'd like to see in the game, you can vote for it here:

Will [species] be in the game?

Probably! One of the nice things about the system I've built for character rendering is that it's super, super easy to add lots of species.

I expect the final game to have something in the ballpark of 75+ species available as default options, plus you will be able to easily create your own using the advanced editor.

The species you see in the current demos are just a small handful I've made for testing purposes. You can vote on which species you want me to work on next over at

Will [fetish] be in the game?

All non-essential fetishes will be hidden behind a settings menu. If you see anything on this list that concerns you, don't worry; it will be optional.

Why no feral/taur support?

The game is built around a single animation skeleton that is shared by every character in the game, a massive library of programmatic animations for that skeleton, as well as a single bank of body parts that are designed to snap into place with each other on top of that skeleton.

This system allows a pretty good amount of flexibility, but it only supports characters that stand on two legs and adhere to the rough shape of the skeleton. In order to support feral / taur characters, I would need to create (and maintain) an alternate skeleton, an alternate set of programmatic animations, and an alternate library of body parts for each.

This would effectively mean building an entire second game from scratch. The only parts of the game I'd be able to reuse for ferals/taurs are the pleasure/orgasm mechanics and things like movement, dialogue, inventory, etc.

It's simply too much work. There might eventually be some sort of hard-coded interaction that caters to the feral/ taur crowd, but feral characters will not be fully supported.

Why don't you hire some help?

I prefer to work alone for many reasons, including:

Will humans be in the game?

I want humans to be in the game, and I'm going to give it a shot, but if I can't make them look good, I won't add them to the game. No promises.

Will the game support virtual reality?

Yes. I've already experimented with the Oculus Rift, and can confidently say that there will be some degree of virtual reality support in the game.

I also plan to get my hands on a Vive, so I can try to get both up and running.

Will the game support modding?

A little. You'll be able to bring in a lot of custom assets, like character mesh pieces, textures, music, voiceovers, lab decorations, and possibly toys.

There will not be any sort of official modding/scripting API. This isn't because I'm against modding, it's just more work than I'm capable of doing. If I could just flip a switch that turned modding support on, I would do it, but it's not that easy.

With that said, people are very welcome to modify the game on their own as long as their modified versions are always clearly labeled as mods and aren't malicious, illegal, or annoying.

Will the game be open source?

Maybe eventually, but probably not right away.

I have [kinda] open-sourced my previous games, including Rack 1 and Midnight Fireworks. It is not unthinkable that Rack 2 might eventually become open source, but I want to hold on to it for a while.

Can I help? I will work for free!

No thanks! Nothing personal - I just prefer to work alone.

Why is it so dark in the laboratory?

Right now, it isn't possible for the player to add lights to the lab. Eventually, the player will be able to customize the entire lab to their liking, including the lighting. Until then, since all the lights are off, it's pretty damned dark. It won't actually be this dark in the finished game.

Will there be voice acting?

There will probably be grunts/moans. There probably won't be full voice acted dialogue.

Can I do voice acting for you?

Maybe later. Keep an eye on my FurAffinity account journals.

Will there be multiplayer?

Probably not, but maybe. I do love multiplayer game development, but it's a tons of work.