Poetry about Poetry ... original or previously published poetry

PaP: About the authors

Bruno D'Arcy has had poems in Thumbscrew, still, Haiku Quarterly, Blade and Psychopoetica, over the last 3 years. This poem appeared in Envoi No. 127.

K.M. Dersley's poetry and articles have apeared in many magazines, including Poetry Review, Scratch and The Rialto. His website is at http://www.raggededge.btinternet.co.uk.

Carolyn Garwes is a Woman returning to Poetry after a gap of thirty years. When she is not celebrating the resurfacing of her Muse she works as a freelance copyeditor. She lives in a small village in Oxfordshire and her house backs onto the River Thames. Her poems are filled with the everyday wonder of fields, dogs and grandchildren.

Tim Love - lives in Cambridge, UK. Poems in Stand, Rialto, Verse, etc.

Helena Nelson lives in Fife, Scotland. Works in a Further Education College where much of her time is spent attempting to persuade people to talk and/or write in a way that makes sense. She lives with a live motor mechanic and a great many dead poets.

Ingrid Sahai came to write poems out of curiosity and a sense of enjoyment of the music and multifaceted meaning in poetry. Writing in English after 43 years in England though born in Germany.

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