/* Script: Additional Map Info Author: Tsalkapone Translation context: Completed Send your translation to: tsalkapone@hotmail.com DON'T FORGET TO MENTION THE LANGUAGE */ tsalk_trans.en={ tw:{ /* The values of these variables have to be exactly as they appear in the Map info of each server */ mon1:"Jan", mon2:"Feb", mon3:"Mar", mon4:"Apr", mon5:"May", mon6:"Jun", mon6_2:"June", mon7:"Jul", mon7_2:"July", mon8:"Aug", mon9:"Sep", mon10:"Oct", mon11:"Nov", mon12:"Dec", }, }; tsalkapone_trans.english= { general:{ script:"Additional Map Info", instructions:"Instructions and variables for the Resource balancer", notification:"Notification from", selected_one:"Current selected language", available:"Available languages", button_list:"Buttons List", add_info:"Click to read more about the additional info displayed of the selected template", lang_sel:"Click to change the selected language", efarmogi:"Click to apply the selected template's settings", diagrafi:"Click to delete all saved data from the Map", protupo:"Click to select a settings template", sets:"Additional Settings", vals:"Value", set1:"Select a template setting for the hour display", set2:"Select method to calculate defence level", s1:"Days:Hours", s2:"Hours:Minutes", s3:"Troops population", s4:"Troops OD points", s5:"Enable/Disable data save while moving your cursor on Map", s6:"Enable to show current points instead of time", p0:"Select template", p1:"Village Growth", p2:"Conquers", p3:"Farming & Commands", p4:"Flags", p5:"Defence Level", p6:"Bonus Villages", p7:"Nuke Level", vil_time:"Data age of the current village", month:"mon", days:"d.", noflag:"No flag", hour:"h", day:"d", min:"m", hours:"hours", mins:"minutes ago", message_no:"No", message_yes:"Yes", message_1:"This script is activated on Map.", message_2:" Do you want to automatically assign your location to this page?", comm:"Feel free to send any message regarding script bugs or proposing ideas to", info_1:"Select an available method to display the time age of the data of each village on the Map.", info_2:"Enable this option to save data while you move your cursor on the Map.

It is highly recommended that you don't enable this option when you activate the template for the first time.

Activate the template and after you have noticed the village growths enable it to refresh the data of each village.", info_3:"In case you enable this option the time age of each village's data will be replaced by its current points.

Below this table you will be notified about the time age of the your current village's data age.", info_4:"Select an available method to calculate the level of defence/nuke of each one of your villages.
Troops population:
Select this option to calculate the level of defence/nuke according to troops' population in the village (21.000 population count as 1 village for defence, 19.000 population count as 1 village for nuke).
Troops OD points:
Select this option to calculate the level of defence based on the troops' ODA points (85.000 points count as 1 village) and the level of nuke on the troops' ODD points (72.000 points count as 1 village).", info1:"Add loot, report type and last attack time on map", info2:"Every village you have attacked and your units returned with full haul will be distinguished with the full haul image", info3:"Every village you have attacked and your units returned with partial haul will be shown with the partial haul image", info4:"For every village, the additional map info box will be colored accordingly to YOUR last report type. The colors represent the report type as known by the game. The rest colors are an exception to the rule", info5:"Exceptions", info6:"Report with full losses but one or more enemy buildings was demolished", info7:"Darkorange color", info8:"Report with full losses but successful scout report", info9:"Darkmagenta color", info10:"Time", info11:"If a village was last attacked by you more than 30 days ago the rest text will be shown", info12:"If a village was last attacked by you less than 30 days and more than 2 days ago, the rest text will be shown", info13:"the days ago you last attacked the village", info14:"If a village was last attacked by you less than 2 days ago but NOT the same day, the rest text will be shown", info15:"If a village was last attacked by you the same day, then the hour of your last attacked will be show in the additional info. For instance", info16:"ATTENTION", info17:"The additional map info represent information from YOUR OWN reports and not reports from allies or friends. Also, these information come from existed reports and not reports that have been deleted", info18:"This script is ONLY functionable with active premium account", info19:"If any script-bug occurs, or you have any idea or proposal you can communicate with", info20:"Loot", info21:"Report type", info22:"Show Growth on Map", info23:"Data Age", info24:"The Data Age (and its form) for each village on the Map is determined by the user. You can choose whether to save or not the data of each village. You may use this capability for your own purposes.

If the script doesn't find any saved data for a village it will mark the village with the following color", info25:"Growth", info26:"The script will calculate the difference between the saved points and the current points of each village and will display them on the Map. The colors below represent the kind of difference in points", info27:"No difference", info28:"The points have been increased", info29:"The points have been decreased", info30:"Show Conquers on Map", info31:"The colors below represent whether a village's owner has been changed (based on the saved data of each village)", info32:"The village's owner has been changed", info33:"The village's owner hasn't been changed", info34:"Conquers", info35:"Show Flags on Map", info36:"Flags", info37:"The script will show the flags assigned to each one of your villages on the Map using the color of the flag-size as background color and the flag-type as text below each village.

If a village doesn't have any flag assigned to it, it will be marked with the following color", info38:"Show Defence Level on Map", info39:"Level", info40:"The defence level will display the following text below each one of your villages", info41:"the amount of defensive units (archer, spear, sword, heavy cavalry, catapult) in your village", info42:"the level's indicator", info43:"Level Indicator", info44:"The level indicator is calculated by dividing the amount of the defensive units or their ODA points (additional settings) by a value that equals the strength of a complete defensive village.", info45:"It is recommended that you use the OD points as calculation method. It reflects better the strength of your units.", info46:"The following colors represent the defensive strength of your village", info47:"strength lower than 2 villages", info48:"strength between 2 and 3 villages", info49:"strength between 3 and 4 villages", info50:"strength between 4 and 5 villages", info51:"strength between 5 and 6 villages", info52:"strength large than 6 villages", info53:"Defensive", info54:"Nuke", info55:"of Defence", info56:"of Nuke", info57:"Show Nuke Level on Map", info58:"Show Bonus Villages on Map", info59:"Bonus Villages", info60:"The script will reveal the bonus type of each bonus village mentioning the building that affects (e.g. stable)", info61:"the amount of offensive units (axe, light cavalry, heavy cavalry, mounted archer, ram) belonging in your village", info62:"The nuke level will display the following text below each one of your villages", info63:"Read more on Additional Settings", info64:"the amount of snobs belonging to each village", }, buttons:{ lang_open:"Open language selection", lang_close:"Close language selection", see_info:"Additional Map Info", efarmogi:"Apply Template", diagrafi:"Delete Data", }, notes:{ diagrafi:"The Map's saved data has been successfully removed from your localStorage.

The page will be automatically refreshed in 4 seconds.", protupo:"No selected settings template was detected.

Select a template and try again.", }, };