/* Script: Tribe & Player Stats Author: Tsalkapone Translation context: Completed Send your translation to: tsalkapone@hotmail.com DON'T FORGET TO MENTION THE LANGUAGE */ tsalk_trans.en={ tw:{ /* MUST BE TRANSLATED */ leftover:"Display all leftover", vil:"Villages", points:"Points", od:"Opponents defeated", tribe:"Tribe", }, }; tsalkapone_trans.english= { general:{ script:"Tribe & Player Stats", notification:"Notification from", selected_one:"Current selected language", available:"Available languages", button_list:"Buttons List", menu:"Extracted Villages", lang_sel:"Click to change the selected language", message_no:"No", message_yes1:"Go to players' rankings", message_yes2:"Go to tribes' rankings", message_1:"This script is activated on a player's profile, a tribe's profile, or a tribe's member list.", message_2:" Do you want to automatically assign your location to the world's rankings?", comm:"Feel free to send any message regarding script bugs or proposing ideas to", scripts:"Generate various scripts", plan:"Generate customizable attack plan", plano:"Plan for", lall:"All villages", diag:"Diagram", sunolo:"Extracted villages", forum_sc1:"Fake Script No1 - Random Coordinate", forum_sc2:"Fake Script No2 - Consecutive Coordinates", forum_sc3:"Fake Script No3 - Random Coordinate, Ram & Catapult Only", forum_1:"Press [b]T[/b] on your keyboard after you activate the script for more info regarding its variables and settings.", forum_2:"Script Code", script_title:"Available scripts for", script_title1:"Fake Script", script_title2:"Nuke Script", script_title3:"Scripts for Mail or Forum post", script_info:"The coordinates used as targets in the following scripts are the ones displayed on the coords' extractor area", order:"Vertical/Horizontal order", plano1:"Hide settings for", plan1:"Add color and [b] tag to any numbering", plan2:"Generate fake scripts", plan3:"Include table design", plan4:"Include village list", plan5:"Tribe stats & map", plan6:"Player stats & graphs", plan7:"Extra info", plan8:"Main heading", plan9:"Add [claim] tag in every coordinate in the village list", plan10:"Add ---> [player][/player] text in every coordinate in the village list", plan_set:"Plan Settings", des_tab:"Click to show/hide table designer", graphs:"Click to show/hide graphs & stats", graphs1:"Click to show/hide tribe's graphs & stats", tsal_vil:"Click to show/hide villages' list", tab_ex:"Table Code", opt:"Available Options", opt_info:"Description", opt_info1:"Define the columns of the table and their context's data.
You may also add color for each heading's title.", opt_info2:"Define the method according to which rows of the villages' list will be included in the designed table.", active:"Activate", opt1:"Add numbering", opt2:"Add [claim] tag on coordinates", opt3:"Add village's points", opt4:"Add a noble planner button to each row", opt5:"Add new column", opt6:"Method", opt7:"Select villages", col1:"Points", col2:"Noble Planner", col3:"Villages", col4:"Numbering", color:"Heading color", sel1:"All rows", sel2:"Up to row number", sel3:"Depended on points", sel4:"All villages", sel5:"Select extracted villages", sel6:"Select villages depended on points", vil_show:"villages will be included in the table", vil_show2:"select the desired group of extracted villages", catalog1:"Available Graphs", catalog2:"Available Stats", stats1:"Go to TW~Stats profile", stats2:"Conquer Periods", stats3:"Points & OD history", stats4:"Conquers", row_num:"Row number", pontoi_min:"Minimum points", pontoi_max:"Maximum points", table_designer:"Table designer", act_info1:"Add [player] tag in every row of the particular column.", act_info2:"Add [ally] tag in every row of the particular column.", active1:"[player] tag", active2:"[ally] tag", active3:"Title", act_info3:"Insert a heading title for the particular column.", act_info4:"The following code is compatible with tribal forums and notebook.", act_info5:"Define the method of selecting coordinates to be included in the plan's villages' list.", tit:"Title", plano_per:"Plan's Code", p_stats:"Player's Stats", dia_stats:"Stats & Graphs", diag:"Graphs", d_gen:"General Stats", d_oda:"ODA Graph", d_odd:"ODD Graph", d_points:"Points Graph", d_vils:"Villages Graph", d_stats:"Stats", p_points:"Points", p_od:"OD points", plano_info1:"Stats Type", plano_info2:"Link", plano_info3:"TW~Stats profile", plano_info4:"Conquer periods", plano_info5:"Activity history", plano_info6:"Conquer history", t_stats:"Tribe's Stats", p_tribe:"Tribe", no_tribe:"No tribe", plano_info7:"Map", claim_col:"Reservation", can_col:"Cancel", tsal_claim:"Click to add/remove reservation status columns to the villages' list", p_vils:"Villages list", noble_pl:"Noble Planner", tab_spoiler:"Villages Table", ex_h1:"Heading title", ex_t1:"Plan Information", ex_t:"Title", ex_k:"Text", ex_c:"Title color", ex_h2:"Additional text", ex_t2:"Landing period of attacks", ex_t3:"Plan's goals", ex_t4:"Notes", ex_ex:"Activate to customize the available options", big_k:"Claim the villages you want to conquer by writing their coordinates or their number in the list", dis_info:"You need to activate the village list to enable this option", dis_info1:"Activating this option the table you generated using the Table Designer will be included in the code.

In case you haven't generated any table an empty spoiler will be included in the code.", all_show:"Show all villages", con_show:"Show the villages of the continent", attention:"ATTENTION: You are not allowed to post any text that contains more than 1000 ] (brackets)", t_members:"Members Graph", stats5:"Conquer Stats", stats6:"Members' Changes", n1:"Points Graph", n2:"Villages Graph", n3:"ODA Graph", n4:"ODD Graph", n5:"Define graphs", ex_gc:"Rows' text's color", data_con:"Customizable options", tab_data:"Insert member's table data", plus_data:"Insert additional columns", tr_data:"Insert a tribe's tag in every row of this column", pl_data:"Insert a player's name in every row of this column", tab1:"Member's name", tab2:"Rank in tribe", tab3:"Points", tab4:"Global rank", tab5:"Member's villages", tab6:"Insert a column with the [ally] tag in every row", tab7:"Insert a column with the [player] tag in every row", tab8:"Add more columns", plithos:"Amount", me_tab:"Design table for a tribe's members", gr_text:"Insert text in every row", tsal1:"Player", tsal2:"Rank", tsal3:"Points", tsal4:"Global rank", tsal5:"Villages", tsal6:"Tribe", tsal7:"Tribe's tag", tsal8:"Player", tsal9:"Player's name", tsal10:"Heading", }, buttons:{ lang_open:"Open language selection", lang_close:"Close language selection", save:"Save Settings", hide:"Hide Settings", gen_plano:"Generate plan", gr_open:"Show Graphs & Stats", gr_close:"Hide Graphs & Stats", des_open:"Open Designer", des_close:"Close Designer", vil_open:"Show list", vil_close:"Hide list", tab_gen:"Generate table code", claim_open:"Add columns", claim_close:"Remove columns", tab_des:"Design table", }, notes:{ activated:"The script Tribe & Player Stats is already active", save:"Your settings have been successfully saved.", }, };