// // // // // // // // // // // // // // // // // // // // // // // // // // // // // // Targeting Pod Script // Version 0.1 // Date: 2014.06.08 // Authors: Lala14, Tajin // // // // // // // // // // // // // // // // // // // // // // // // // // // // // // init line: // null = [] execVM "tgp.sqf"; // to disable on specific vehicle place in the init of the vehicle this setVariable ["tgp",true]; /*DEFINABLE*/ TGP_Visible = 1; //Show the "Darter" /*Don't touch unless you know what your doing*/ if (isDedicated) exitWith {}; LALA_fnc_TGP_Create = { _obj = _this select 0; if (_obj isKindOf "Plane_Fighter_03_base_F") then { _tgp = "B_UAV_01_F" createVehicle [0,0,0]; _obj setVariable ["TGP",_tgp,true]; createVehicleCrew (_obj getVariable "TGP"); (_obj getVariable "TGP") attachTo [_obj,[4.4,-0.5,-1.3]]; }; if (_obj isKindOf "Plane_01_base_F") then { _tgp = "B_UAV_01_F" createVehicle [0,0,0]; _obj setVariable ["TGP",_tgp,true]; createVehicleCrew (_obj getVariable "TGP"); (_obj getVariable "TGP") attachTo [_obj,[7.5,0.3,0.05]]; }; if (_obj isKindOf "STI_A10A") then { _tgp = "B_UAV_01_F" createVehicle [0,0,0]; _obj setVariable ["TGP",_tgp,true]; createVehicleCrew (_obj getVariable "TGP"); (_obj getVariable "TGP") attachTo [_obj,[7,-0.1,1.4]]; }; if (_obj isKindOf "Peral_A10C") then { _tgp = "B_UAV_01_F" createVehicle [0,0,0]; _obj setVariable ["TGP",_tgp,true]; createVehicleCrew (_obj getVariable "TGP"); (_obj getVariable "TGP") attachTo [_obj,[7,0,0.27]]; }; if (_obj isKindOf "Heli_Light_01_armed_base_F") then { _tgp = "B_UAV_01_F" createVehicle [0,0,0]; _obj setVariable ["TGP",_tgp,true]; createVehicleCrew (_obj getVariable "TGP"); (_obj getVariable "TGP") attachTo [_obj,[0,1,-0.81]]; }; if (_obj isKindOf "Heli_Light_01_base_F") then { _tgp = "B_UAV_01_F" createVehicle [0,0,0]; _obj setVariable ["TGP",_tgp,true]; createVehicleCrew (_obj getVariable "TGP"); (_obj getVariable "TGP") attachTo [_obj,[0,1,-0.8]]; }; if (_obj isKindOf "Heli_Transport_01_base_F") then { _tgp = "B_UAV_01_F" createVehicle [0,0,0]; _obj setVariable ["TGP",_tgp,true]; createVehicleCrew (_obj getVariable "TGP"); (_obj getVariable "TGP") attachTo [_obj,[0,5,-1.75]]; }; if (_obj isKindOf "CHO_F35_base") then { _tgp = "B_UAV_01_F" createVehicle [0,0,0]; _obj setVariable ["TGP",_tgp,true]; createVehicleCrew (_obj getVariable "TGP"); (_obj getVariable "TGP") attachTo [_obj,[0,7,0]]; }; if (_obj isKindOf "JS_JC_FA18E") then { _tgp = "B_UAV_01_F" createVehicle [0,0,0]; _obj setVariable ["TGP",_tgp,true]; createVehicleCrew (_obj getVariable "TGP"); (_obj getVariable "TGP") attachTo [_obj,[-0.8,-0.1,-1.25]]; }; if (TGP_Visible == 0) then { (_obj getVariable "TGP") hideObjectGlobal true; }; }; [] spawn { while {true} do { { if (_x isKindOf "Air") then { if ( isNil {_x getVariable "TGP"} ) then { _x setVariable ["TGP","none",true]; [_x] spawn LALA_fnc_TGP_Create; }; }; }forEach vehicles; sleep 2; }; }; titleText ["TGP Loaded", "PLAIN"];