/* Script: Central Incomings Intelligence Author: Tsalkapone Translation context: Completed Send your translation to: tsalkapone@hotmail.com DON'T FORGET TO MENTION THE LANGUAGE */ tsalkapone_trans.english= { general:{ script:"Central Incoming Intelligence", notification:"Notification from", selected_one:"Current selected language", available:"Available languages", button_list:"Buttons List", lang_sel:"Click to change the selected language", message_no:"No", message_yes:"Yes", message_1:"This script is activated on Overviews -> Incoming.", message_2:" Do you want to automatically assign your location to this page?", comm:"Feel free to send any message regarding script bugs or proposing ideas to", des:"Function description", but:"Buttons", edited_by:"Edited by", created:"Created by", set_list:"Settings & Functions", res_list:"Script Settings", blank:"Click on any script's button to display its settings and values", script_1:"Define the incomings' label format", script_2:"Add styles and sort out the incomings", script_3:"Apply the saved style & sorting settings", script_4:"Define the general settings of the script", script_5:"Apply the saved label format", act:"Activate", extra:"Additional Text", desc:"Description", lab:"Label", ord:"Order", drag:"Drag to re-order", unit:"unit", coords:"coords", player:"name", dur:"duration", dis:"distance", ret:"return", sent:"sent", arr:"arrival", ori:"origin", desti:"destination", time:"server time", keimeno:"text", wave:"wave", wave_in:"Wave_", wave_info:"Insert the text Wave_ plus a counting to distinguish the waves of incoming commands (not customizable text)", unit_info:"Estimated slowest unit speed assuming the command has just been launched", coords_info:"The coordinates of the incoming's origin village", player_info:"The name of the incoming's origin village's owner", dur_info:"The overall duration of each command based on the estimated slowest unit speed", dis_info:"The distance (in fields) between the command's origin village and the destination village", ret_info:"The estimated date and time the troops return based on the estimated slowest unit speed", sent_info:"The estimated date and time the troops were sent based on the estimated slowest unit speed", arr_info:"The arrival date and time of each command", ori_info:"Each command's origin village, with the following format:
name (xxx|yyy) KYX", desti_info:"Each command's destination village, with the following format:
name (xxx|yyy) KYX", time_info:"Insert the current server time in the label's format", keimeno_info:"Insert a text in the label's format", tsal_img:"Unit icon", tsal_color:"Command's label color", ram:"Ram", axe:"Axe", noble:"Noble", sword:"Sword", light:"LCav", spy:"Spy", inc_count:"Incoming commands per village", inc_co:"Incoming commands", inc_vil:"Village", temp:"Templates", temp1:"Ghost Raiders", temp2:"Armageddon", temp3:"R for Revenge", temp4:"Foes Bureau of Investigation", temp5:"Laconic Way", temp_0:"Default Template", temp_1:"Template No1", temp_2:"Template No2", temp_3:"Template No3", temp_4:"Template No4", unknown:"Unknown", gen:"Define Settings for the Apply Settings button", gen1:"Calculate incoming commands per village", gen2:"Apply color settings to the incoming commands", gen3:"Apply label on script's activation", gen4:"Show notification of the unlabelled incoming commands", gen5:"Activate automatic label", templates:"Templates' Settings", title:"Template's title", key:"Shortcut key", save_mes:"Choose a template to save the selected settings' values", save_attention:"ATTENTION: The script will only use the Default Template to apply changes in label's format. The other templates are used to save you some time in case you need to change your settings.", stat_save:"Saved Data", stat_no:"NO DATA", stat:"LocalStorage Status", tsal_info1:"Available Settings:
1. Define the functions you want to operate each time you click on Apply Settings.
2. Define if you want to label the incomings on script's activation.
3. Define the title of Your Templates. You can save each template's settings on Label Settings.", tsal_info2:"Define the variables included in the Label's format. You can see their description for further details. You can use one of the default templates or you can create your own ones. NEVER forget to Save Settings.
Every customizable variable is displayed on the following table. You can preview the label's format in every change you make. The texts of each variable are added before the variable in the format.", tsal_info3:"ATTENTION: Only the saved settings on Default Label template will be applied in the label's format.", tsal_info4:"1. Use this colors' settings to distinguish the incoming commands by their labelled units.
2. You can also create a table displaying the incoming commands per villages. Also, the amount of the incomings will be displayed on the incoming's table using colors (green for less than 4 commands, blue for 4<= commands <10, darkorange for 10<= commands < 20 and red for 20 or more commands).
3. You may also sort out the unlabelled incoming commands.", }, buttons:{ lang_open:"Open language selection", lang_close:"Close language selection", script_1:"Label Settings", script_2:"Stylization & Sorting", script_3:"Apply Settings", script_4:"General Settings", script_5:"Apply Label", save:"Save Settings", hide:"Hide Settings", res_set:"Reset Settings", res_count:"Reset Counting", tsal_count:"Incomings per village", tsal_apply:"Apply stylization", save1:"Save to", save_def:"Save as Default", tsal_sort:"Show unlabelled commands", }, tw:{ attack:"Attack", }, notes:{ activated:"The script Central Incoming Intelligence is already active", save:"Your settings have been successfully saved.", no_saved:"No saved settings' values have been detected. Make sure you have saved the style and label settings before operating this function again.", res_set:"The settings have been successfully reseted.", res_count:"The counting settings have been succesfully reseted. The page will be automatically refreshed in 3 seconds.", res_set1:"The style settings have been successfully reseted. The page will be automatically refreshed in 3 seconds.", no_inc:"There were detected no incoming commands in the current page", no_colors:"No saved colors were detected. Make sure you have saved the style settings before operating this function again.", save1:"The color settings have been successfully saved.", alarm1:"Don't worry", alarm2:"No unlabelled commands were detected on the current page.", alarm4:"unlabelled incoming commands on the current page.", alarm3:"you have", found:"unlabelled commands were found in the current page.", not_found:"No unlabelled commands were detected in the current page.", no_saved_gen:"There were detected no saved settings for this button. Go to General Settings and make sure you save the settings before operating this function again.", }, };