Poetry about Poetry ... original or previously published poetry, September 2001

The Building Site

What was a green field site
is cluttered up with words
or phrases, half-constructed
lines; and piles of images
peep out from underneath
expressions - scores
of metaphors (job lot)
and strangely formed
off-cuts of simile
bought cheap
from someone else's
bankrupt stock.

Plans for the structure
have been memorised
and filed away.
The large equipment
rhythm, meter, rhyme
and all the smaller tools
are oiled and warm from use -
to what effect it's hard to tell
as yet.

The finished work
could grace its setting
while being functional
might even win a prize
or two.

Or maybe not.
For the ideas folk
have hitched their jeans
and gone on strike

and the poet
is out to lunch.

Eleanor Livingstone

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