/* Script: Farming Script Author: Tsalkapone Translation context: Completed Send your translation to: tsalkapone@hotmail.com DON'T FORGET TO MENTION THE LANGUAGE */ ttsalkapone_trans.english= { general:{ script:"Farming Script", notification:"Notification from", message_no:"No", message_yes:"Yes", message_1:"This script is activated on Rally Point.", message_2:" Do you want to automatically assign your location to this page?", comm:"Feel free to send any message regarding script bugs or proposing ideas to", units:"Units' Inserting Method", coords:"Coords' Inserting Method", variables:"Customizable Variables", fake_lang:"Language", info1:"The script will only use one infatry-type or cavalry-type unit, based on a priority-order depending on each unit's speed, to insert in the rally point. If the available units of a unit-type are equal to zero the script will skip this unit-type. If it is above zero but below the selected value every remaining amount of the unit will be inserted. The script will first use light cavalry, next heavy, next marcher and so on.
The scouts, rams and catapults are exceptions to this rule and their values will be inserted regardless", info2:"The script chooses a coordinate in a consecutive order out of the selected targets to insert in the rally point. The process of the order will be displayed in every script activation", info3:"If the value of this variable is true, swords and spears will be inserted together. In any other case they will be inserted separately.", info4:"Enter a value that will be used as the name of the script", info5:"Enter a value that will be used as cookie name for the coords' order", info6:"Enter the coordinates of the desired targets. Add as many as you like separating them with space i.e.", info7:"Enter the desired values for each unit", info8:"The language of every rally point's script that doesn't display a settings menu is defined by the language selection in the script", }, notes:{ coords:"No selected coords were detected. Define some targets and try again.", no_units:"There were found no available units. Change village or settings and try again.", last:"These are the last selected coords. Activate the script again to restart.", target:"Current target", }, };