/* Script: Village Renamer Author: Tsalkapone Translation context: Completed Send your translation to: tsalkapone@hotmail.com DON'T FORGET TO MENTION THE LANGUAGE */ tsalkapone_trans.english= { general:{ script:"Village Renamer", notification:"Notification from", selected_one:"Current selected language", available:"Available languages", button_list:"Buttons List", lang_sel:"Click to change the selected language", message_no:"No", message_yes:"Yes", message_1:"This script is activated on Overviews -> Combined.", message_2:"Do you want to automatically assign your location to this page?", message_3:"The name's format you selected may exceed the limit of 32 characters per village's name. If you proceed to the renaming function the script will exclude any possible names that exceed the characters' limit.", message_4:"Do you still want to proceed to the renaming function?", message_5:"That means if a village's name exceeds the characters' limit its name won't be applied. However, the renaming process will still go on.", message_6:"In case all the formatted names exceed the characters' limit none of the villages will be renamed.", comm:"Feel free to send any message regarding script bugs or proposing ideas to", des:"Function description", but:"Buttons", edited_by:"Edited by", created:"Created by", set_list:"Settings & Functions", res_list:"Script Settings", res_title:"Container's title", blank:"Click on any script's button to display its settings and values", script_1:"Define the renamer's settings", script_2:"Save current villages' names and retrieve old ones", script2:"Import/Export Villages Names", script_3:"Create your own name pool", script_4:"Define the speed of the renaming function and the templates' titles", script3:"Names Pool Creator", pool1:"Pool Settings", pool2:"Settings", pool3:"Actions", new_year:"happy new year", new_year_info:"Pick a random language out of the tribal war's servers to wish a happy new year", year_info1:"Some of the phrases included in this name pool may contain html characters that are not allowed to be used in a village's name.

In this case the name won't be applied. However, the renaming process will still go on.", p_title:"Enter a title for the Name Pool", p_tit:"My Pool", p_method:"Select the method of inserting the pool's names", p_met1:"Consecutive", p_met2:"Random", pool4:"Modify the names of the pool separating them with , (comma)", pool_info:"Insert names from your own name pool", pool_info1:"You may modify your own names pool using Pool Creator. If no names are saved the option will be ignored.", act:"Activate", extra:"Additional Text", counter:"Variables", desc:"Description", lab:"Name", ord:"Order", drag:"Drag to re-order", digits:"counting", digits1:"Start from number", digits2:"Amount of digits", digits_info:"Add counting in front of each of the villages' name.

Define a number to start the counting from and the amount of digits you want for each number.
Define if you wish to convert any number into its roman relevant.", tab1:"Add Counting", tab2:"Other Options", tab3:"Rename Method", descr:"Method's description", mode:"Select method", mod1:"Ovewrite current names", mod2:"Prepend to current names", mod3:"Append to current names", con:"continent", dis:"distance", sector:"map sector", dir:"direction", beer:"beer", wh:"whiskey", band:"music bands", sof:"random", keimeno:"text", con_info:"The number of the continent to which each village belongs", dis_info:"The distance (in map fields) from the selected coordinates. Insert the desired coordinates on the input field on the left", sector_info:"Caterogize each village according to its position in map using the following system:
continent:sector:field", sector_info1:"The map is divided left to right, top to bottom.
The sector is divided according to the following system:

World - 100 continents (10x10)
Continent - 400 sectors (20x20)
Sector - 25 fields (5x5)", dir_info:"The direction of each village within the continent", beer_info:"Insert a random beer brand name", keimeno_info:"Insert a text in the name's format", wh_info:"Insert a random whiskey brand name", band_info:"Insert a random music band name", sof_info:"Insert a random stylish name", sof_info1:"The names included in this option have been entirely created and inspired by Poison13, a Greek female player of Tribal Wars.

It is recommended to disable any other available option if you wish to enable this one.", dir1:"NW", /* North West */ dir2:"N", /* North */ dir3:"NE", /* North East */ dir4:"W", /* West */ dir5:"C", /* Center */ dir6:"E", /* East */ dir7:"SW", /* South West */ dir8:"S", /* South */ dir9:"SE", /* South East */ dir_info1:"Direction Explanation", dir_1:"North West", dir_2:"North", dir_3:"North East", dir_4:"West", dir_5:"Center", dir_6:"East", dir_7:"South West", dir_8:"South", dir_9:"South East", pl:"player", roman:"Roman numeral", pl_info:"Insert your account's name", name_attention:"ATTENTION: A village's name can't contain more than 32 characters or any special html character.", pro1:"Renaming process", temp:"Templates", apoth:"Reserved Names Settings", apothiki:"Reserved Containers", ren_speed:"Renaming Process Speed Settings", ren_speed1:"Speed", ren_speed2:"Approximate villages renamed per second", sp1:"High", sp2:"Medium", sp3:"Low", sp4:"Very low", sp_vil:"villages/sec", apothiki_1:"Container No1", apothiki_2:"Container No2", apothiki_3:"Container No3", apothiki_4:"Container No4", temp1:"Core Info", temp2:"Give me Style", temp_0:"Default Template", temp_1:"Template No1", temp_2:"Template No2", temp_3:"Template No3", temp_4:"Template No4", exp:"Export Options", exp_per:"Formatted code of villages' names", imp:"Import Options", templates:"Templates' Settings", title:"Template's title", stat_save:"Saved Data", stat_no:"NO DATA", stat:"LocalStorage Status", tsal_info1:"
Available Functions
1. Define the titles of the Renaming Templates and Names' Containers.
2. Save each template's settings on Renamer Settings and each container's settings on Villages Names.
3. Define the renaming process' speed. It is highly recommended that you don't exceed the Medium speed.
NEVER forget to Save Settings
", tsal_info2:"Define the variables included in the Renamer's format. You can see their description for further details. You can use one of the default templates or you can create your own ones.
NEVER forget to Save Settings.
Every customizable variable is displayed on the following table. You can preview the label's format in every change you make. The texts of each variable are added before the variable in the format.", tsal_info3:"
Available Functions
1. Export: You may save the current names in one of the available names containers or export the current villages' names into a formatted code and save it as text in your notebook or your pc (Export names).
2. Import: Import villages names from an available container or by pasting a saved formatted code of villages' names (Import names).
3. Rename: Rename villages using the imported formatted code. You may modify the code before renaming the villages.
Each container saves the current villages' names in a unique data file for this world.
", tsal_info5:"ATTENTION: The order of the format's options is not saved. For this reason, firstly load or save a template and then re-order the options.", }, buttons:{ lang_open:"Open language selection", lang_close:"Close language selection", exp:"Export names", exp_close:"Close names' code", imp:"Import names", imp1:"Load", script_1:"Renamer Settings", script_2:"Villages Names", script_3:"Rename Villages", script_4:"General Settings", script3:"Pool Creator", save:"Save Settings", hide:"Hide Settings", res_set:"Reset Settings", save1:"Save to", save_def:"Save as Default", }, notes:{ vils:"Number of villages that have been renamed", vils1:"Duration of the renaming process", vils2:"Total villages on the overviews' page", no_vils:"The selected format hasn't been applied to none of the page's villages", secs:"seconds", imp_fail:"No saved names have been detected in this container. Save the current names and try again.", activated:"The script Village Renamer is already active", save:"Your settings have been successfully saved.", save_exp:"Your current villages' names have been successfully saved.", no_saved1:"No saved settings have been detected for this template. Save settings into this template and try again.", res_set:"The settings have been successfully reseted. The page will be automatically refreshed in 3 seconds.", res_set2:"The settings have been successfully reseted.", }, };