We want your feedback!
We want this information to be useful to you. If you see something you would like to delve into more deeply, let the RRIMA team know, and we will try to explore it - either in our own data and/or with secondary data.
Though the look and feel of the RRIMA Reports will change quite a bit once the tool is finalized, please also be keeping in mind the aesthetic of the report. Is it easy to read and understand? Is there a type of graphic or data visualization you would like to see? Is there a different way you would like the data sliced or visualized? Could you find information your were interested in quickly and easily in this report? Let us know!
Please respond with your thoughts via this form. We’d like to collect your ideas and feedback. Please feel free to be as detailed as you would like. Your input helps us to create a better final product.
The entire RRIMA team will be together in Izmir August 26 - September 9. You can expect to see the next RRIMA Report at the end of that visit!