This script was marked as compatible with this converter by the author. Notes:
The script author has not provided any information about the compatibility with this converter. Insert one of the lines to the metadata block at the beginning of your user script to mark the script as (in)compatible: // @compatible tfrbmlconv-1 <notes> // @incompatible tfrbmlconv-1 <notes>
This script was marked as incompatible with this converter by the author. Notes:
This script is probably incompatible with this converter because of:
An incompatible @grant key was defined:
A for each loop was detected. This type of loop is only supported by Greasemonkey and other userscript engines and not directly by the browser.
Insert one of the lines to the metadata block at the beginning of your user script to mark the script explicitly as (in)compatible: // @compatible tfrbmlconv-1 <notes> // @incompatible tfrbmlconv-1 <notes>