Narrator: Hi there! Welcome to the explainer for the NeutrinoWatch podcast feed - The Neutrinowatch operator’s manual, if you will. I can’t tell you much about what’s actually on this feed. I can only tell you how it works. Neutrinowatch is a daily podcast, but in a different way than you’re probably used to. You can see that there are currently a 11 episodes in the feed. And while they look like they were published a while ago, the contents of every episode changes every day. Maybe if I introduce myself, you’ll understand a little better. My name is Sasha. My favourite colour is blue. I live in Kanazawa. I have a Little Owl. They’re called Babu. All of those things might be true today - but tomorrow, maybe favourite colour will be taupe. I’ll move cities, or get a new pet. I could even change my name. There are lots of good reasons to do that. One day I’ll turn up at your door, and you’ll say, “Hi Sasha”, and I’ll say “No, that’s not my name! My name’s Wendy”. But I’ll still be the same old me. Still the same old Wendy! If you don’t believe me, try deleting this episode and downloading it again tomorrow. Maybe I’ll be having a taupe day. That’s how Neutrinowatch works. The audio changes, but it’s still the same show, with the same feed. Still the same old Wendy. To hear what’s changed, you’d need to delete and re-download each episode, or stream it in your browser or podcatcher each day. Or you could unsubscribe and resubscribe. But you don’t have to listen to each episode over and over again - you can just listen once, and know that what you heard is special to today. Tomorrow it won’t be quite the same. Occasionally, you’ll see a new episode with a new name. Those will be totally new. But that won’t happen every day. Oh, one last thing - it’s best to listen to Neutrinowatch as fresh as possible. Once an episode has fallen from its tree, it starts to spoil quite fast. So download the episode and listen to it straight away, or stream it. Listen to it fresh from the cow. I mean tree. I mean computer. How was that? Producer: That was great, thanks Wendy! Same time tomorrow? --- Shownotes: This episode was made by Jeff Emtman and Martin Austwick. You can hear the voice of Ishbel MacFarlane. --- Neutrinowatch is generated daily, so this text will change every day. This version was generated on Tuesday, 08 October 2024, at 00:10 UTC/GMT