/* Script: Fake Script No1 Author: Tsalkapone Translation context: Completed Send your translation to: tsalkapone@hotmail.com DON'T FORGET TO MENTION THE LANGUAGE */ tsalkapone_trans.english= { general:{ script:"Fake Script No1", notification:"Notification from", message_no:"No", message_yes:"Yes", message_1:"This script is activated on Rally Point.", message_2:" Do you want to automatically assign your location to this page?", comm:"Feel free to send any message regarding script bugs or proposing ideas to", units:"Units' Inserting Method", coords:"Coords' Inserting Method", variables:"Customizable Variables", fake_lang:"Language", info1:"The script will only use one type of unit, based on a customizable priority-order, to insert in the rally point. If the available units of a unit-type are equal to zero or below the selected value the script will skip this unit-type. The scouts are an exception to this rule and their value will be inserted regardless. You may re-order the priority of the units' choice by changing the units' order in the variable", info2:"The script chooses a random coordinate out of the selected targets to insert in the rally point", info3:"Define the value of the scouts to be inserted", info4:"Define the priority-order by changing the units' order and also define the value of each unit-type. The names of the units are the ones used as each unit's id in every server", info5:"Enter the coordinates of the desired targets. Add as many as you like separating them with space i.e.", info6:"The language of every rally point's script that doesn't display a settings menu is defined by the language selection in the script", }, notes:{ coords:"No selected coords were detected. Define some targets and try again.", no_units:"There were found no available units. Change village or settings and try again.", }, };