(dp0 S'buildDestination' p1 VC:\u005cUsers\u005cNuYu\u005cDropbox\u005cnotes on departure.html p2 sS'saveDestination' p3 S'C:\\Users\\NuYu\\Dropbox\\Notes on departure.tws' p4 sS'target' p5 S'sugarcane' p6 sS'storyPanel' p7 (dp8 S'widgets' p9 (lp10 (dp11 S'selected' p12 I00 sS'pos' p13 (lp14 F54.999999999999993 aF55.0 asS'passage' p15 (itiddlywiki Tiddler p16 (dp17 S'text' p18 V \u000a \u000a[[Notes on departure|at the station]] p19 sS'created' p20 ctime struct_time p21 ((I2013 I8 I24 I16 I30 I4 I5 I236 I1 tp22 (dp23 tp24 Rp25 sS'title' p26 VStart p27 sS'modified' p28 g25 sS'tags' p29 (lp30 sbsa(dp31 g12 I00 sg13 (lp32 F195.0 aF55.0 asg15 (itiddlywiki Tiddler p33 (dp34 g18 V<> \u000a<> \u000a<> \u000aWrite? \u000a<> \u000a[[done|Ending A1]] p35 sg20 g21 ((I2013 I8 I24 I16 I31 I6 I5 I236 I1 tp36 (dp37 tp38 Rp39 sg26 V10 seconds p40 sg28 g39 sg29 (lp41 sbsa(dp42 g12 I00 sg13 (lp43 F335.0 aF55.0 asg15 (itiddlywiki Tiddler p44 (dp45 g18 VYou make sure he’ll see it and jumps on board. The doors shut behind you, and you soon feel how you get further and further away from the station, and watch as everything outside gets darker. \u000a \u000a[[∗|Ending A2]] p46 sg20 g21 ((I2013 I8 I24 I16 I31 I14 I5 I236 I1 tp47 (dp48 tp49 Rp50 sg26 VEnding A1 p51 sg28 g50 sg29 (lp52 sbsa(dp53 g12 I00 sg13 (lp54 F475.0 aF55.0 asg15 (itiddlywiki Tiddler p55 (dp56 g18 V \u000aYou step into the spacecraft and the doors shut behind you. \u000a \u000aThen you turn around to look out the [[window|Ending B2]]. p57 sg20 g21 ((I2013 I8 I24 I16 I31 I17 I5 I236 I1 tp58 (dp59 tp60 Rp61 sg26 VEnding B1 p62 sg28 g61 sg29 (lp63 sbsa(dp64 g12 I00 sg13 (lp65 F615.0 aF55.0 asg15 (itiddlywiki Tiddler p66 (dp67 g18 VNotes on departure, by \u000a[[IOE|http://withoutpillow.tumblr.com/]] \u000a[[EEE|http://withoutpillow.tumblr.com/]] \u000a \u000amade for Ludum Dare 27 \u000a \u000adid you write anything? [[send me your message|mailto:seed.of.reconstruction@gmail.com]] and maybe it will turn into something beautiful in the future p68 sg20 g21 ((I2013 I8 I24 I16 I31 I35 I5 I236 I1 tp69 (dp70 tp71 Rp72 sg26 VCredits p73 sg28 g72 sg29 (lp74 sbsa(dp75 g12 I00 sg13 (lp76 F337.5 aF328.0 asg15 (itiddlywiki Tiddler p77 (dp78 g18 V<> \u000aHe arrives at the station. p79 sg20 g21 ((I2013 I8 I24 I16 I33 I3 I5 I236 I1 tp80 (dp81 tp82 Rp83 sg26 VEnding A3 p84 sg28 g83 sg29 (lp85 Vhim p86 asbsa(dp87 g12 I00 sg13 (lp88 F340.5 aF594.0 asg15 (itiddlywiki Tiddler p89 (dp90 g18 V“<>” \u000a \u000a \u000a[[∗|Ending A6]] p91 sg20 g21 ((I2013 I8 I24 I16 I33 I4 I5 I236 I1 tp92 (dp93 tp94 Rp95 sg26 VEnding A5 p96 sg28 g95 sg29 (lp97 Vhim p98 asbsa(dp99 g12 I00 sg13 (lp100 F759.0 aF233.0 asg15 (itiddlywiki Tiddler p101 (dp102 g18 VNotes on departure p103 sg20 g21 ((I2013 I8 I24 I16 I35 I8 I5 I236 I1 tp104 (dp105 tp106 Rp107 sg26 VStoryTitle p108 sg28 g107 sg29 (lp109 sbsa(dp110 g12 I00 sg13 (lp111 F899.0 aF233.0 asg15 (itiddlywiki Tiddler p112 (dp113 g18 VIOE \u000aEEE p114 sg20 g21 ((I2013 I8 I24 I16 I35 I8 I5 I236 I1 tp115 (dp116 tp117 Rp118 sg26 VStoryAuthor p119 sg28 g118 sg29 (lp120 sbsa(dp121 g12 I00 sg13 (lp122 F761.0 aF365.0 asg15 (itiddlywiki Tiddler p123 (dp124 g18 Va {color:#70ACDF !important; text-decoration:none !important} \u000a \u000aa:hover {color:#A1C2DF !important;} \u000a \u000abody { background-color: #474747; } \u000a \u000a.passage { width: 575px; text-align: center !important} \u000a \u000a#passages {font-size:20px; font-family:Georgia; border-left: 0px !important; margin:250px 0px 0px 275px !important;} \u000a \u000a#sidebar #credits:hover{color:#333;visibility:hidden;}#sidebar #credits a{text-decoration:none;visibility:hidden;} \u000a \u000a#sidebar {visibility:hidden!important;} \u000a \u000a#footer{display:none!important;} \u000a \u000a#toolbar{display:none!important;} \u000a \u000a \u000a.passage[data-tags~=him] {background-color:#FAE2A6 !important;color:#474747;} \u000a \u000abody[data-tags~=him] {background-color:#FAE2A6 !important;color:#474747;} \u000a \u000a[data-tags~=him] a {color:#B795B3 !important;} \u000a \u000a[data-tags~=him] a:hover {color:#70ACDF!important;text-decoration:none !important;} \u000a \u000a \u000aa.externalLink {color:#70DF70 !important;} \u000a \u000aa.externalLink:hover {color:#88F886 !important;} \u000a \u000a \u000a.passage[data-tags~=you] {background-color:#000000 !important;} \u000a \u000abody[data-tags~=you] {background-color:#000000 !important;} \u000a \u000a[data-tags~=you] a {color:#ffffff !important; text-shadow: 0px 0px 0.1em rgb(238, 238, 238);} \u000a \u000a[data-tags~=you] a:hover {color:#ffffff !important;text-decoration:none !important; text-shadow: 0px 0px 0.1em rgb(238, 238, 238);} p125 sg20 g21 ((I2013 I8 I24 I16 I48 I47 I5 I236 I1 tp126 (dp127 tp128 Rp129 sg26 VStyles p130 sg28 g129 sg29 (lp131 Vstylesheet p132 asbsa(dp133 g12 I00 sg13 (lp134 F765.0 aF499.0 asg15 (itiddlywiki Tiddler p135 (dp136 g18 Vtry { \u000a version.extensions['textinput'] = { \u000a major:1, minor:0, revision:0 \u000a }; \u000amacros['textinput'] = { \u000ahandler: function(place, macroName, params, parser) { \u000av = params[0].replace("$",""); \u000avar input= document.createElement('input'); \u000ainput.type = "text"; \u000ad = v+"TextInput"; \u000ainput.id = d; \u000ainput.addEventListener('keyup', function() \u000a{ \u000astate.history[0].variables[v] = document.getElementById(d).value; \u000a}); \u000aplace.appendChild(input); \u000a}, \u000ainit: function() { var v; var d;}, \u000a}; \u000a} catch(e) { \u000a throwError(place,"textinput Setup Error: "+e.message); \u000a} p137 sg20 g21 ((I2013 I8 I24 I16 I58 I15 I5 I236 I1 tp138 (dp139 tp140 Rp141 sg26 VMacro textinput p142 sg28 g141 sg29 (lp143 Vscript p144 asbsa(dp145 g12 I00 sg13 (lp146 F903.0 aF499.0 asg15 (itiddlywiki Tiddler p147 (dp148 g18 Vversion.extensions.timedgotoMacro={major:1,minor:1,revision:0};macros["goto"]=macros["timedgoto"]={timer:null,handler:function(a,b,c,d){ \u000afunction cssTimeUnit(s){if(typeof s=="string"){if(s.slice(-2).toLowerCase()=="ms"){return Number(s.slice(0,-2))||0; \u000a}else{if(s.slice(-1).toLowerCase()=="s"){return Number(s.slice(0,-1))*1000||0;}}}throwError(a,s+" isn't a CSS time unit"); \u000areturn 0;}var t,d,m,s;t=c[c.length-1];d=d.fullArgs();m=0;if(b!="goto"){d=d.slice(0,d.lastIndexOf(t)); \u000am=cssTimeUnit(t);}d=eval(Wikifier.parse(d));if(d+""){if(this.timer){clearTimeout(this.timer); \u000a}s=state.history[0].passage.title;this.timer=setTimeout(function(){if(state.history[0].passage.title==s){state.display(d,a); \u000a}},m);}}}; p149 sg20 g21 ((I2013 I8 I24 I17 I4 I35 I5 I236 I1 tp150 (dp151 tp152 Rp153 sg26 Vtimed goto p154 sg28 g153 sg29 (lp155 Vscript p156 asbsa(dp157 g12 I00 sg13 (lp158 F52.999999999999993 aF193.0 asg15 (itiddlywiki Tiddler p159 (dp160 g18 VYou’re at the station. You’ve been standing there counting down till departure and it’s not long now. It doesn’t seem like he will make it. You don’t know how long you’ll be gone; the company says the estimated time is a couple of months, but you’ve heard about people who have been [[away for years|speakers]] before they were able to come back. p161 sg20 g21 ((I2013 I8 I24 I17 I42 I28 I5 I236 I1 tp162 (dp163 tp164 Rp165 sg26 Vat the station p166 sg28 g165 sg29 (lp167 sbsa(dp168 g12 I00 sg13 (lp169 F50.999999999999993 aF329.0 asg15 (itiddlywiki Tiddler p170 (dp171 g18 V \u000a \u000a“... for The Star Colony is due to depart in [[approximately two minutes|ticket]].” p172 sg20 g21 ((I2013 I8 I24 I17 I42 I32 I5 I236 I1 tp173 (dp174 tp175 Rp176 sg26 Vspeakers p177 sg28 g176 sg29 (lp178 sbsa(dp179 g12 I00 sg13 (lp180 F50.999999999999993 aF461.0 asg15 (itiddlywiki Tiddler p181 (dp182 g18 VYou’ve already got your boarding pass. Now you’re just waiting for him to show up so that you can wave at him one last time. You just want to see his face. \u000a \u000aIt’s the traffic, of course, it’s always the traffic. The only crafts ever to be on time are the ones who [[leave|message]]. p183 sg20 g21 ((I2013 I8 I24 I17 I42 I32 I5 I236 I1 tp184 (dp185 tp186 Rp187 sg26 Vticket p188 sg28 g187 sg29 (lp189 sbsa(dp190 g12 I00 sg13 (lp191 F46.999999999999993 aF595.0 asg15 (itiddlywiki Tiddler p192 (dp193 g18 V \u000aHe will not make it. If you hurry, you should \u000ahave enough time to leave him a message, before communications are cut. The speaker calls out again. [[You’ve got ten seconds.|10 seconds]] p194 sg20 g21 ((I2013 I8 I24 I17 I42 I34 I5 I236 I1 tp195 (dp196 tp197 Rp198 sg26 Vmessage p199 sg28 g198 sg29 (lp200 sbsa(dp201 g12 I00 sg13 (lp202 F1040.0 aF497.5 asg15 (itiddlywiki Tiddler p203 (dp204 S'text' p205 V(function(){ var render2 = Passage.prototype.render; Passage.prototype.render = function () { var b = render2.call(this); var t = this.tags.join(" "); document.body.setAttribute("data-tags", t); b.setAttribute("data-tags",t); return b; }}()); if(state) { var tgs = state.history[0].passage.tags.join(" "); var fc = $('passages').firstChild; fc.setAttribute("data-tags",tgs); } \u000aif(state) { var it = setInterval(function(){ var fd = $('passages').firstChild; if (fd!=fc) { clearInterval(it); fd.setAttribute("data-tags",tgs); } },0); } p206 sS'created' p207 g21 ((I2013 I2 I13 I16 I10 I4 I2 I44 I0 tp208 (dp209 tp210 Rp211 sS'title' p212 Vcss targeting p213 sS'modified' p214 g211 sS'tags' p215 (lp216 Vscript p217 asbsa(dp218 g12 I00 sg13 (lp219 F337.5 aF190.0 asg15 (itiddlywiki Tiddler p220 (dp221 S'text' p222 V<> \u000a<> \u000a<> p223 sS'created' p224 g21 ((I2013 I8 I25 I10 I43 I36 I6 I237 I1 tp225 (dp226 tp227 Rp228 sS'title' p229 VEnding A2 p230 sS'modified' p231 g228 sS'tags' p232 (lp233 Vhim p234 asbsa(dp235 g12 I00 sg13 (lp236 F337.5 aF462.5 asg15 (itiddlywiki Tiddler p237 (dp238 g222 VHe looks around, but can’t see you anywhere; \u000ainstead he finds something else, just by the check-in terminals. He leans closer to read it. \u000a<> \u000a<> \u000a<> p239 sg224 g21 ((I2013 I8 I25 I10 I43 I36 I6 I237 I1 tp240 (dp241 tp242 Rp243 sg229 VEnding A4 p244 sg231 g243 sg232 (lp245 Vhim p246 asbsa(dp247 g12 I00 sg13 (lp248 F475.0 aF457.5 asg15 (itiddlywiki Tiddler p249 (dp250 g222 V \u000a \u000a[[,|Credits]] p251 sg224 g21 ((I2013 I8 I25 I11 I55 I51 I6 I237 I1 tp252 (dp253 tp254 Rp255 sg229 VEnding B4 p256 sg231 g255 sg232 (lp257 Vyou p258 asbsa(dp259 g12 I00 sg13 (lp260 F337.5 aF727.5 asg15 (itiddlywiki Tiddler p261 (dp262 g222 V \u000a \u000a[[,|Credits]] p263 sg224 g21 ((I2013 I8 I25 I17 I57 I46 I6 I237 I1 tp264 (dp265 tp266 Rp267 sg229 VEnding A6 p268 sg231 g267 sg232 (lp269 Vhim p270 asbsa(dp271 g12 I00 sg13 (lp272 F1175.0 aF495.0 asg15 (itiddlywiki Tiddler p273 (dp274 g222 VHistory.prototype.display=function(d,b,a){var c=tale.get(d);this.history.unshift({passage:c,variables:clone(this.history[0].variables)}); \u000athis.history[0].hash=this.save();var e=c.render();if(a!="offscreen"){removeChildren(document.getElementById("passages")); \u000adocument.getElementById("passages").appendChild(e);if(a!="quietly"){fade(e,{fade:"in"});}}if((a=="quietly")||(a=="offscreen")){e.style.visibility="visible"; \u000a}if(a!="offscreen"){document.title=tale.title;document.title+=": "+c.title;window.scroll(0,0); \u000a}return e;}; p275 sg224 g21 ((I2013 I8 I25 I18 I36 I37 I6 I237 I1 tp276 (dp277 tp278 Rp279 sg229 Vcss p280 sg231 g279 sg232 (lp281 Vscript p282 asbsa(dp283 g12 I00 sg13 (lp284 F472.5 aF190.5 asg15 (itiddlywiki Tiddler p285 (dp286 S'text' p287 V<> \u000a<> \u000a<> p288 sS'created' p289 g21 ((I2013 I8 I24 I16 I33 I3 I5 I236 I1 tp290 (dp291 tp292 Rp293 sS'title' p294 VEnding B2 p295 sS'modified' p296 g293 sS'tags' p297 (lp298 Vyou p299 asbsa(dp300 g12 I00 sg13 (lp301 F472.5 aF327.5 asg15 (itiddlywiki Tiddler p302 (dp303 S'text' p304 VOutside; almost pitch-black. The stars appear as \u000adots, the way it is with things as you look at them too close, like a broken display with a few bright pixels. \u000a \u000aBecause space is not far away. Space is quite near, \u000aand if you want you can bring your face close to it \u000aand discern all the bright pixel worlds. \u000a \u000a[[∗|Ending B4]] p305 sS'created' p306 g21 ((I2013 I8 I25 I11 I55 I51 I6 I237 I1 tp307 (dp308 tp309 Rp310 sS'title' p311 VEnding B3 p312 sS'modified' p313 g310 sS'tags' p314 (lp315 Vyou p316 asbsasS'scale' p317 F0.80000000000000004 ss.