Poetry about Poetry ... original or previously published poetry, December 2000

The Poetry Police

There was a knock at the door.

Open up, it's the Police!

Flustered, I swallowed my stash,
flushed my deep-pan pizza down the pan
and let them in.

Ello. Ello, Ello,
I thought here was a terrible echo
in my lobby, but no: there were three Plods
limbering up for a bit of synchronised gubbing.

We have reason to believe that you're a poet.

Guilty, m'lud, I replied,
do you want to come to my launch?

We'll do all the launching around here, sunshine.

Oh, can I make you three a cup of tea?

Did you rhyme then, sonny?

Er... let me see... three.. tea
I suppose I did. It's a gift, you see...
I replied, pleased as Punch
as a punch hit me.

Then a truncheon made luncheon meat of my face.

You're a disgrace! one cried, as he poked my eyes.

Then another one rounded on me.

Oy! You a poofter, boy?

Gis a kiss and I'll tell yer!

I remember nothing after that.
When I came round, the flat
was bare of verse, blank as prose.
I tried to nurse my broken nose.

My sonnets were gone. My couplets filched.
My villanelles vanished. Pinched by the filth.
A chalk mark was drawn round my body of work
Then I noticed a sign through the blood and the murk:

Your putrid poetics were taken away
by Poetry Police (c/o Rhymewatch UK)

Tough on Rhyme
Tough on the Causes of Rhyme

Eddie Gibbons
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Updated October 2000
Tim Love