Unity Web Player | TradeSys

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Press P to return to the scene selection at any point.

Use the arrow keys to rotate in each of the following scenes.

Press space to pause movement, but allow rotation. When you get close enough to a trade post, you can press the enter post button in the top right hand corner and purchase or sell items. The magenta post is an estate agent, where you can purchase the coloured trade posts. Once you have purchased a trade post, visit the trade post diagonally opposite it to buy a smelter, which you can fit to your trade post. This is an example of how post tags and goods and manufacturing groups can be used. In the middle there is a spawner where you can collect the items created and traders will too. Behind the magenta post is a group of items which have been specifically placed there which are also collectable, demonstrating that it is possible to have set items like this.

Select the number of trade posts, radius and traders to be generated to see performance and trades. Use scroll to zoom in / out. Click on a trader or trade post to see details.

Click on a trader or trade post to see details.

Click on a trade post to see details. The traders are created at a trade post and destroyed when they arrive at their destination.